Bodybuilding vitamin supplements are becoming increasingly famous among people because they are known to provide instant results to those who take them. countless kinds of bodybuilding vitamin supplements are available today, including fat burners, meal replacement powders, energy boosters and weightlifting vitamin supplements. A lot of manufacturers of bodybuilding nutritional vitamin supplements advertise heavily about their products in order to raise their exposure. They claim that their products can bring an instant and overnight change. But beware; some of these quick body building products contain steroids and other additives that might be unsafe for the body.
It is true that pure bodybuilding vitamin supplements are beneficial to your health, and this is especially true for novice bodybuilders. They not only help in immediately building a desired muscular physique, but are also helpful in providing energy boosts to people who are going through the painful process of trying to bulk up their body. Because of countless bodybuilding and weight gain products available today, you need to carefully study the wide range of products, their advantages and disadvantages, in order to decide which one would suit your needs the best. Always keep the essential points below in mind before buying any kind of nutritional or health supplement product.
1. The first and foremost consideration should be the quality of supplement you are about to buy. Make sure you have done necessary study to determine the authenticity of the product. You can also read consumer reviews about a product on the Internet and see how satisfied the consumers are. Alternatively, you can discuss the constituents of a food vitamin nutritional supplement with your dietician and ask whether those materials have any side effects. Also keep in mind to avoid attractive and catchy advertisements about bodybuilding vitamin supplements. These ads usually describe that these supplement products can do wonders to your health and build muscles quickly.
2. A few steroid products are banned by the government because they are unsafe for the body. Make sure you have done enough study regarding a product before buying it. Certified manufacturers and companies that make vitamin supplements should be considered first. Their products might be more expensive than others but they are totally reliable and should be harmless to ingest in large quantities. Steroids cannot be consumed without a written prescription from a doctor.
3. Bodybuilding and weight loss products sometimes come with some side effects. Make sure you have analyzed the after effects of consuming these substances and have ruled out all other alternatives. You may sometimes experience dizziness and feel sleepy all the time. If you have to drive, or do time-consuming and tiring work, make sure you haven't consumed a lot of any of the vitamin supplements. There are long-term risks also associated with quick-fix bodybuilding vitamin supplements, while countless of them are harmless, others might have some health trade-offs associated with them. Therefore it is important to carefully analyze your needs before you choose any nutritional supplement.
4. Nutritional vitamin supplements made from pure and natural extracts of plant and animal material are always recommended by health experts. They don't have countless chemical substances in their composition and are safe to be used by people belonging to all age groups. Herbal extracts and other natural sources of vitamins, minerals and proteins are the ones to go for. Fish oil, green tea extracts, olive leaf extracts are some great examples of natural materials from which vitamin supplements are made. They are available not only as pills but also in the form of tea bags, powder and capsules.
5. Check historical details and figures about the substances that make up a bodybuilding supplement. Usually energy drinks and nutrition bars are not recommended for patients that suffer from diabetes, hypertension or increased cholesterol. Always consult a health specialist before consuming any kind of nutritional supplement. If you experience any discomfort when using a supplement, then you must immediately discontinue use and seek the help from your doctor.
6. The final point to remember is to follow the prescribed dosage carefully. There is no alternative to a properly functioning and healthy body. Carefully read the instructions given on the cover of the vitamin and mineral supplements box. If you feel that you are unable to follow the prescribed schedule, talk to your dietician and ask for alternative solutions. Dosage is also different for people belonging to different age groups.
Quick-fixes are often acquired at the expense of long-term health. So you should be very careful before you purchase any energy boosting or weight gain supplement products. Always keep in mind that vitamin supplements are only produced to cure nutrient deficiency in the body, they are by no means a replacement of a healthy balanced diet.
Which Vitamin Nutritional Supplements Should You Buy for Bodybuilding?
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NHL Rumour Report
2:31 PM
Massive Shoulders In A Matter Of Minutes
If you’re looking to develop an impressive, muscular physique, well-developed shoulders are an absolute must. Thick, round “cannon ball delts” will make your upper body appear wide and powerful and will help immensely in creating the v-tapered look that all bodybuilders strive for. Many serious lifters will argue that underneath clothes, muscular shoulders make the greatest contribution toward the overall appearance of the upper body.
The shoulder is a 3-headed muscle that performs the function of lifting and rotating the arm. It consists of the anterior region (the front), the medial region (the middle) and the posterior region (the rear). These heads can be stimulated in the gym using two different movements: an overhead press and a raise.
The overhead press is the meat and potatoes of effective shoulder training. There isn’t a single lift out there that can match the incredible shoulder-stimulating effect of a basic overhead pressing movement. Both a barbell and a dumbbell can be used for this exercise, but dumbbells are the best overall choice. Dumbbells allow you to move through a more natural range of motion and also don’t allow one arm to cheat for the other. They also place a greater amount of total stress on the shoulder region in comparison to the barbell, which shifts some of the stress to the upper chest. I would recommend using the seated overhead dumbbell press as your core shoulder movement. Grab a pair of dumbbells and sit on a bench with a vertical back support. Press the dumbbells overhead until your elbows are just short of locking out, and then lower them back to shoulder level.
The next exercise to look into is a basic side lateral raise, which can also be performed with a pair of dumbbells. Side laterals are an isolation exercise and will shift the majority of the stress to the medial head of the shoulder. This will build greater shoulder width and will contribute to that wide upper body look. Stand with your knees slightly bent and hold a pair of dumbbells with your palms facing inward. With a slight bend in your arms, raise the dumbbells up to shoulder level and then lower them back to the starting position.
When it comes to training your shoulders for maximum size and strength, a basic overhead press and a side lateral raise is all you need. It’s very important to realize that the shoulders are stimulated on virtually every single upper body exercise that you perform and therefore they do not require a lot of direct work. Most people perform far too much work on their shoulders and actually hinder their gains as a result. Because of this I typically do not recommend that you perform isolation exercises for the anterior and posterior heads. The anterior heads are heavily stressed during all chest pressing movements while the posterior heads are hit equally hard on all rowing movements for the back. A couple of extra sets won’t hurt, but you should try to minimize the volume as much as you can. The key to massive shoulders is quality, not quantity.
Here are a couple of sample shoulder routines that you can use:
1) Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press – 2 sets of 5-7 reps
Standing Dumbbell Side Laterals – 1-2 sets of 10-12 reps
If you insist on performing isolation exercises for the front and rear heads, you can use this routine:
2) Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press – 2 sets of 5-7 reps
Standing Dumbbell Side Laterals – 1-2 sets of 10-12 reps
Standing Front Dumbbell Raise – 1 set of 10-12 reps
Seated Rear Lateral Dumbbell Raise – 1 set of 10-12 reps
There you have it. All sets should be taken to complete muscular failure where no additional reps can be completed using proper form. Keep a detailed record of each workout and strive for continual improvement from week to week by either increasing the resistance or the number of reps performed.
Happy shoulder training!
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NHL Rumour Report
2:30 PM
Hoodia: Appetite Suppressant?
You’ve probably come up with a brilliant idea or two in your lifetime. It felt good right? Most likely, you thought you’d get a raise at your job or even just a little bit of good, old-fashioned praise. But suddenly someone steals the limelight.
There is always someone just waiting to copycat the next big idea and profit from it, even if it means being dishonest and providing a watered down version of the original idea. It stems from laziness, greed and corruption and it costs you and me money all the time.
That’s right. It’s costing you and me. Because unless you know all the facts how can you tell if a product is the real deal? That’s what I’m here to stop. You see, ever since 60 Minutes and Oprah did features on the amazing weight loss effects of Hoodia, numberless knockoffs started popping up on the marketplace.
This would be fine if these products really contained what they said they do, but a study done by found that up to 50 percent of them didn’t contain what they said they did. Some did not even have any Hoodia Gordonii in them at all!
Don’t get me wrong. Using Hoodia as an appetite suppressant can be a much safer and more effective alternative than many other weight loss pills. It has no known side effects and has a great track record for actually working for the majority of the people who take it. So you don’t need to rule it out entirely. But here are just a few tips you should consider when purchasing a product that claims to contain Hoodia Gordonii that will ensure you get it from the original source, not the copycat brands:
1. Any product you buy should contain 100 percent pure Hoodia Gordonii. If it doesn’t, go somewhere else. You may find claims that these blends maximize the effectiveness of Hoodia but in fact adding filler ingredients and other weight loss regimens like green tea can actually harm it.
2. Approval from the FDA is not required for Hoodia supplements so if the company doesn’t care enough research the effectiveness of their product then its one major sign that they haven’t invested much research in creating it in the first place. The study findings should be posted on their website where you have easy access to them.
3. This is one case where the expensive brand name really is better. If you find a product that is sold for much less than the mainstream products (on average this is $55 a bottle) then it either has fillers or is not Hoodia at all.
4. If you’re ever in doubt, look for a phone number and call the company up. Ask them a few questions and if they don’t try to feed you canned answers then they are probably the real deal. In fact, just having a support is one sign that the company cares about its customers and aren’t going to sell you a fake product.
If you’re wondering where to go to find a product that matches all these requirements first check out my review on HoodiThin. Their website answers all these requirements and will give you the straight up facts and their liquid Hoodia they produce is my number one pick for Hoodia supplements.
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NHL Rumour Report
12:02 PM