The human body needs energy and fats are its best source. However, spending most of your time watching TV and gobbling processed food stores and adds fats that you don't need. Sure you enjoy watching home movies with fattening snacks. Before you know it, you're already fat. Then you think of an exercise to get rid of love handles because you're simply getting uglier with it. So what's the next best thing to do?
Just because it's called love handles doesn't mean you have to love it. But love handles are those rolling flaps protruding at your pants' brim. They don't look good and they're not healthy. You need to unload them. Burn them. Start making a habit to exercise to get rid of love handles regularly to stay in good shape.
Shedding those flabby waist lines can be difficult. It requires hard work and discipline. But this doesn't mean you have to torture yourself. Working out should be fun. Probably the first thing that comes to your mind is to know the right exercise to get rid of love handles. And since you enjoy home movies a lot, why not do it while working out? Here are some exercises that you can do in front of your TV screen.
- Try aerobics exercises. This is a type of exercise that burns your fats and therefore makes you lose weight. If done regularly, it also helps maintain that weight you hope to keep. Although it can be pretty hard to do this while watching a home movie. What you can probably do is find the channel where an aerobics exercise is shown. This should only take a few minutes of your time. Do this to warm up for the next position.
- Do some abdominal exercises. The top three in the list today are the captain's chair, the bicycle maneuver exercise, and the exercise ball crunch. These three work on both the rectus abdominis and the oblique muscles. All three build muscles in your tummy. But you don't have to do all of them. You may even just need one exercise to get rid of love handles effectively. At this point, you can switch the channel to the movie you like while doing the workout. Don't forget to keep your focus too.
- Try healthier snacks. At times when you just want to relax and enjoy the movie, try having healthy snacks. Instead of ice cream, try fibrous snacks such as celery or carrots. After all, you only need to exercise at least three times a day. In between those schedules, you may still enjoy your movie and nibbles on those healthy sticks.
- Make a decision to stay healthy. The idea of having to exercise to get rid of love handles is not a short term regimen. Your body never stops storing fats and if you're not careful with your food, you'll end up bloated. By that time, it may be harder for you to lose weight especially at old age. So it is always recommended to exercise regularly. In fact, it is suggested that this must be part of your lifestyle. Get a balanced diet and exercise at the right time intervals. The bottom line is to keep in shape all the time and stay healthy.
The Right Exercise To Get Rid Of Love Handles
Posted by
NHL Rumour Report
4:34 PM
Obesity Causes, Types and treatment
Obesity is the heavy accumulation of fat in your body to such a degree that it rapidly increases your risk of diseases that can damage your health and knock years off your life, such as heart disease and diabetes.
Causes of Obesity
1)Obesity results when there is an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure.
2)If your metabolism tends to be slow, you are more likely to store excess calories in the form of fat. A slow metabolism means you probably need to work harder at losing weight. However, your efforts may ultimately increase your metabolic rate. Muscle burns more calories than fat, even at rest. So reducing fat and building muscle through weight-bearing exercise can help you burn calories more efficiently.
3)You have to burn calories if your environment is too hot or too cold for comfort. But more people than ever live and work in temperature-controlled homes and offices.
4)Getting too little sleep can increase body weight. Today's Americans get less shut-eye than ever.
5)If parents are overweight, children can often be overweight too. Part of this is due to genes and part is due to the family's pattern of eating and exercise.
Types of obesity
1) Psychological Depression, sadness, anxiety, stress, and other psychological conditions may affect the amount of food one eats and/or the amount of exercise one engages in.Some illnesses can lead to obesity or a tendency to gain weight. These include hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, depression, and certain neurological problems that can lead to overeating. Also, drugs such as steroids and some antidepressants may cause weight gain. Poor or interrupted sleep may also contribute to obesity and overeating.
2) Gynoid: In this type the lower part of the body has the extra flesh. This type of obesity is also common to both sexes though females are more affected. Gynoid type of obesity is similar to pears. The flesh is somewhat flabby in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks & legs. The face & neck mostly give a normal appearance. In some persons, the cheeks may be drawn too. As these persons grow old the whole figure assumes a stooping posture and the spine is never erect due to the heavy hips & thighs. This vital organs affected mostly are the kidneys, uterus, intestines, bladder & bowls. But the functions of these organs some times have a direct effect on the heart.
3) Constitutional Obesity,:. Obesity starts from infancy to adult. Usually they have family history of Obesity. They have very good appetite from half a year after birth and body fat cell number begins to increase. Their metabolism is slow and synthesis exceeds catabolism. There will be poor cure effect by limiting diet and strengthening exercise. They are not sensitive to insulin.
Treatments of Obesity
1) Surgical Treatment of Obesity Obesity is a chronic medical condition without a "cure." For severely obese patients who have significant obesity-related medical complications (hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, etc.), surgery is an option. Generally, the weight criterion for surgery is to be at least 100 lbs. (45 kg.) over your ideal body weight. The surgical methods have changed over the years but can be divided into gastric (stomach) restrictive procedures and gastrointestinal (intestinal) bypass procedures.
2) Behavioral Therapy Behavior modification is common to all weight loss programs. Modification includes strategies that aid individuals to overcome barriers to comply with dietary changes and physical activity. Most behavioral modification programs encourage self-monitoring of both diet and exercise to increase one's own awareness of the activities. Modification strategies may also include stress management, social support, and stimulus control.Combining behavioral therapy, diet therapy, and increased physical activity should be considered as initial "therapy" for weight loss. This combination should be continued for at least 6 months before proceeding to drug therapy.
3) Changing eating habits: Eating fewer calories while increasing activity is the best way to lose weight. For most adults, low calorie diet of 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day for women and 1,500 to 1,800 calories per day for men is recommended for weight loss.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:33 PM
Want a Big Butt and Flat Gut?
Every single woman that I know wants to firm and tighten her butt. I even know some guys that wish to do the same. With that being said, it will do you well to pay close attention to this following article as I will reveal to you the best butt exercises for firming your butt. Guess what... it's not the "butt exercise machines" that you see in your gym. However it's a series of bodyweight/free-weight old school exercises that will really blast away jiggly fat and promote pure firm, nice to see and grab butt!
In order to keep things as simplistic as possible, I think it will be best to just list two of these amazing butt and thigh exercises. Keep in mind that these two alone have been known for firming and lifting butts world-wide.
The very first move that most woman tend to overlook and label as a "mans exercise" but really they should be doing is called the "single leg Romanian dead lift". Another reason that I think everyone, men and women, should be doing this amazing butt exercise is it has a few hidden benefits. Such as: strengthens and secures lower body joints, increased flexibility and improves overall look and feel of entire leg area!
Single Leg Romanian Dead Lift
Starting Position: - Bend over and assume a mixed grip on a barbell that is lying on the floor. Bend your knees and hips so your hips are approximately knee level or parallel to the floor. Hold your head up and back straight. Movement: - Exhale as you keep your neck and back straight while you pull up on the bar. Lift the weight by extending your hips and knees, moving into a standing position. Inhale as you keep your neck and back straight as you slowly lower the weight back to the floor by bending your knees and hips, returning to the starting position. Repeat as required.
Yes, that was very hard to do. I know that. But please try to master this move as it will be your guide to getting that butt that you have always dreamed up!
Oh before I forget let me tell you the other awesome butt exercise and then I will share with you information about a little known DVD that I personally know to be the greatest invention for building lean sexy butt, hips and thighs. Stay tuned for that but first lets squat into the next exercise. Did I say squat into? Oops I gave away the name of the exercise already :)
This again is one of the most overlooked exercises in the gym, I guess because it's such an old exercise people assume it must be outdated. Well guess what...they are wrong. This is at the top of my list for butt firming exercises.
In just 30 seconds I could tell you over 20 variations of the squat. But my job today is to teach you not kill you. Therefore I will just give you 2 variations of the squat to try at home rather than 20!
Single Leg Squat
Starting Position: - Stand on one leg with a slight bend in your knees. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and allow them to hang down at your sides. Movement: - Inhale, keeping your heel in contact with the floor at all times, slowly lower into a squat position. Exhale as you slowly straighten your leg, keeping your head and chest up, returning to the starting position. Repeat as required.
Over Head Squat
Starting Position: - Grasp bar with overhand grip (palms forward) and slightly wider than hip width apart. Step under bar and hold the barbell in a shoulder press position. Stand with feet slighter wider than hip width apart. Back should be straight in a neutral position. Lower body by flexing at the hips and knees. Upper body can flex forward at the hips slightly (~5�) during movement. Be sure to �sit back� so that knees stay over the feet. Once thighs are parallel to floor, return to start position. Remember to keep head and back straight in a neutral position - hyperextension or flexion may cause injury. Keep weight over the middle of foot and heel, not the toes. DO NOT allow knees to go past the big toe or deviate medially or laterally throughout movement. Keep abdominals tight throughout exercise by drawing stomach in toward spine.
Remember that I warned you first that the exercises listed above are very difficult and you must take extreme caution when doing them otherwise you run the risk of getting injured and throwing your results out the window.
If you would like to learn more incredible butt and leg exercises that will firm, lift and tighten your butt and thighs then go to my buddy Joey "The Butt Master" Atlas' website today to preview his DVD- "Leg Butt Hip and Thigh Exercises"
Posted by
NHL Rumour Report
4:30 PM
Can You Obtain Lean Muscle Weight Without Getting Fat?
There are two universal fitness goals - to obtain lean muscle mass and to reduce body fat. Unfortunately, for the most part, the two goals are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
Building lean muscle mass is going to require you to take in a surplus of calories because, well, let's face it, you can't build lean muscle out of nothing (except of course you have some chemical).
REducing body fat on the other hand is going to require you to be in a negative calorie balance because that is what will get your body burning off additional body fat as fuel for its tissues.
Motivated to accomplish both goals at the same time is seldom a good method because more than expected you will just end up spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.
Most body builders will have to accept some fat gain when they are looking to gain weight, however how much fat gain they need to add is question. It is this variable that we are hoping to achieve.
Can you truly obtain weight without getting fat?
When adding lean muscle mass there are two approaches you can take.
Some take the approach of just consuming as much food as they can viable cram into themselves. Their life abruptly becomes one long 24-hour buffet in their quest for muscle mass as they are under the idea that the more food that goes in, the more muscle synthesis that will go on.
This view is deeply flawed. The body can only assimilate so much muscle tissue at once and after it has done so, any remaining calories are clearly going to be stored as body fat. Plain and simple. You my friend, are no exclusion to the pronounce.
For those guys who are out there charming in five thousand or more calories per day, this is clearly going to be way more than they require and will product a considerable quantity of unwelcome body fat over a period of three to six months (how long most people will 'bulk' for).
The second choice is to adopt a more moderate method and only eat so many additional calories to help this muscle growth and that's it. This will allow you to hopefully get as much lean tissue gained as possible without the accumulation of a monstrous climb in body fat.
So that leads us to the next question you're probably wondering. How much muscle can you build? How many calories over maintenance should you be consuming?
You've probably already heard of the guy who claims he's added 20 pounds of lean muscle in the short timeframe of six weeks. While this may be a very uncommon occurrence among an individual who is new to body building, has insanely good genetics and utilized a superb workout and nutritional program, the fact of the matter is that most guys are basically not open to be able to come even close to adding this much lean muscle tissue.
A natural fit individual can desire to achieve about half a pound to one pound of muscle per week - if he's doing everything correctly. If he doesn't have the greatest genetics or isn't feeding himself optimally, this will decrease even further. So as you can see, at least two to four pounds of muscle growth per month, you aren't going to be needed to eat insanely high calorie intakes.
The higher your intake is, the more you risk putting on additional body fat. As a general rule, keep it to about 250 to 500 calories above maintenance in hopes of putting on lean muscle without too much body fat. Keep track of your present body fat levels and appearance and if you see that too much of your weight gain is coming on as fat mass, reduce your calorie intake slightly.
It is always best to go by real world results because you are in the real world after all. You can read as much as you like as to how many calories you should be consuming, but this does not mean that's going to be the exact number that will deliver results. Different people have different metabolisms that will respond to an rise in calories in various ways.
Remember that the more tolerant you are with your muscle gains and the slower you go, the more time you can spend adding lean muscle mass and the less time you have to spend dieting off the additional fat you gained - which as I'm sure many of you already know, is not a pleasant experience.
Next time you decide you are going to buld up, take it slow. Not only are you much more likely to maintain a favourable appreance this way but your mind will thank you as well. Nothing kills confidence levels faster that seeing all muscle definition go out the window in a matter of weeks.
Posted by
NHL Rumour Report
4:29 PM