If you’ve ever been on a diet, you know that losing 13 pounds in a 2 week time frame is fairly difficult, but today I’m going to give you the step by step roadmap to losing 13 pounds in 15 days.
The 3 main components we’re going to focus on is nutrition (calorie intake), cardio, and weight training. You will need all 3.
First we’ll calculate your daily calories. Multiply your weight by 10 if you’re a man, or multiply by 8 if you’re a woman.
This number will be your daily calorie intake for the 2 week period. You’ll then start taking in 4-6 small meals per day. To figure out the calories you need per meal, divide your new daily calorie intake by 4, 5, or 6 (however many times per day you plan to eat – but no fewer than 4 if you’re female, and no fewer than 5 if you’re a man).
Once you figure out the calories per meal, you’ll need to strategically plan each meal in advance. The best way to go about this is to plan what you’ll eat for the next 2-3 days, and prepare those meals ahead of time. So at this point, you’ll have 3 days worth of meals already prepared. If this is too much, you can easily just prepare the next day’s meals the night before.
You’ll get the majority of your calories from lean meats such as chicken breast, turkey breast, lean hamburger meat, and egg whites. There are other options, but these will be the staple of your protein calories.
The majority of your carbohydrate calories will come strictly from potatoes, sweet potatoes, and brown rice.
During this 2 week period, you’re not eating for taste, you’re eating to lose fat. Period.
For condiments (just during this 2 week phase), only stick to ketchup and mustard (honey mustard is okay in moderation). Stay away from any added fat that’s not already contained in the protein or carbs you’re eating.
Cardio – Interval training is wildly effective, and it is generally recommended by most experts to alternate sprints with a slow jog or a walk in times of 30 seconds (for sprints), and 20 seconds (for walking/jogging), then alternating the 2 for a set time period of 5-20 minutes.
The problem is that many people (especially if you’re just getting back into exercise) can’t sprint because of joint or back pain, and if you haven’t sprinted since high school, it will feel like you’ve been run over by a truck when you’re done. Not to mention the risk of injury.
So I’ve designed an interval training series for non-sprinters. All you’ll need is a jump rope and some tennis shoes.
Interval Training
Squat Jump x 20 reps
Jump Rope x 30 seconds
Rest 15 seconds
You’ll perform squat jumps for 20 reps, immediately move to jumping rope for 30 seconds, and then immediately rest for 15 seconds. That’s 1 round. Complete 4-6 rounds 6 of the 7 days {{{of|for} week 1. Complete 6-10 rounds 6 of the 7 days of week 2.
Weight Training
We’ll focus on full body movements to burn the most amount of calories in the least amount of time while also fatiguing the muscles with moderately heavy weight. You’ll complete this circuit every other day starting on day 1 ending on day 15.
1. Upright Row x 6
2. Bicep Curl x 6
3. Bent Row x 6
4. Shoulder Press x 6
5. Stiff Leg Deadlift x 6
6. Squat Push Press x 6
7. Power Clean x 6
You’ll begin at exercise 1 and move to the next exercise until 6 reps of all 7 exercises are complete before resting. Once exercise number 7 is complete, you’ll rest 90 seconds and repeat for a total of 4 rounds during week 1. During week 2, you’ll complete 6 rounds total for each workout.
How To Drop 13 Pounds Of Fat In 15 Days
Posted by
NHL Rumour Report
4:54 PM
New Technology Creates Better-fitting Hip Replacements
That's very important to today's AARP-aged adults, who do not want to be limited by physical disability.
A good example of a person who wanted to remain active is Sy Woodall, an active senior from Valdosta, Ga. He recently made the decision to undergo total hip-replacement surgery after an MRI revealed that he was suffering from severe osteoarthritis in his hip.
Woodall initially thought he was suffering from a groin pull, but the pain persisted over several years and became increasingly crippling.
"Simple things, just like climbing stairs, became a tremendous problem all of a sudden," recalls Woodall. "Naturally, I'd like to get back to playing with my grandkids. I'd like to get back to that golf course. I would like to travel without being inhibited."
For otherwise healthy patients such as Woodall, concerns about postoperative dislocation, range of motion and implant longevity are paramount.
Orthopaedic manufacturers such as Stryker are continually looking for technologies to help better address these needs.
While larger joints are generally considered preferable for their potential for increased range of motion and reduced risk of dislocation, concerns about patient compatibility have meant that some anatomically sized hip implants were only available to a limited subset of the population.
Stryker's most recent offering, LFIT™ Anatomic Heads with X3 liners, takes advantage of technology that has the potential to reduce friction between the implanted joints and may offer greater wear resistance.
This technology enables the company to offer larger components designed to accurately reflect the natural human anatomy.
In addition, these new implants also offer the potential to increase range of motion and reduce the risk of dislocation and are compatible with a broad range of patients.
"Mr. Woodall was an excellent candidate for the advanced hip system because he wanted to stay active, relieve his pain, have good function and have his hip last a long time," explains his surgeon, Dr. John Waldrop. "This new technology increases range of motion while addressing the complication of it popping out of joint."
Staying informed, prepared and committed to completing a regimen of physical therapy are vital to the success of hip-replacement surgery.
In Woodall's case, physical therapy began within 24 hours of surgery. At that time he was surprised to already be well on his way towards regaining his independence.
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons estimates that approximately 200,000 people undergo total hip replacements each year. That number is likely to grow in years to come, given that the number of Americans age 65 and older is expected to double by 2030.
Many of today's seniors are healthy and stay fit playing sports they love. New hip-replacement technology can help them stay mobile for longer.
Hip dislocation is a major concern, both in terms of lifestyle recovery objectives as well as in economic repercussions. Dislocation can be incredibly painful and often requires a revision surgery. According to the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 3 to 4 percent of all Medicare patients receiving hip-replacement surgery will experience a dislocation, a burden that costs the U.S. healthcare system an estimated $74 million annually.
Posted by
NHL Rumour Report
4:52 PM
Say goodbye to back pain with car seat back support
As we progress with advanced technology and the various advantages of modern living, many problems also surround us. Our hectic lifestyle leaves us with very little time to follow a regular routine and order in life. As a result not only do we not eat properly and the right kind of food, but also find very less or no time at all for any kind of physical exertion. As a result, lifestyle diseases like obesity and backache have become a part and parcel of our lives. Not only does the irregular lifestyle add to our problems but also even simple things like a sitting posture can play havoc with our body. Most of us do a stationary job and remain seated for most of the day. The sitting posture leaves much to be desired and a natural result is backache. Matters turn worse in case you have to drive with such a condition. However, car seat back support can make a definite difference.
It is important to maintain the perfect posture while driving and a car seat back support can help you achieve this posture. Discomfort while driving can create problems not only for you but also for your co-passengers and those on the road. A backache while driving can cause danger of accident due to the discomfort to the driver. Hence, after you have spend a long time in office, sitting at your work desk, it is natural that you want some comfort for you back while driving. Hence, the car seat back support is the perfect solution for your back problem.
The car seat back support is ergonomically designed to extend maximum comfort and support to your backbone and spinal chord. It helps to maintain the natural posture of sitting according to the normal structure of the human body. Even if you are required to drive for long and cover long distances, you can feel comfortable at your driver’s seat with this kind of back support. In addition, you can continue to maintain a comfortable posture without any adjustments because the support adjusts according to your posture. In case you are not sure about the kind of car seat support that you should use, you can consult your physician for a recommendation.
A regular workout works wonders for our body and health but not many of us can devote the necessary time for it. In this case, even a brief brisk walk and minor precautions can prevent problems like back aches from occurring. Maintain care while sitting so that the perfect posture is maintained causing no harm to your spine. Additional devices like the car seat back support can further help to maintain a good posture and prevent aches and pains from affecting your life style. A routine check up by your physician can also keep many troubles at bay. Simple ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle, like light exercise and healthy eating, can change the way you lead your life. Adopt these simple measures and see the improvement in overall living.
Posted by
NHL Rumour Report
4:51 PM
Auto back support-Removes your back pain
A person with good personality catches one’s eye. A good posture is a symbol of great personality. Sitting or standing posture is taken into account when the personality of a person is defined. A person with good persona attracts one and all. Working for long hours in the same position can affect our health a lot. Due to improper sitting and working habits, most of the working people are suffering from backache. Today, the scenario is such that people need to sit constantly at one position and stare at the computer. Sitting in the same position for a long time causes spinal cord related problems. In this case, auto back support gives much relief. To meet the deadline, people ignore their health and work continuously. Auto back support helps to remove any sort of a back problem that is caused due to wrong sitting posture.
Many times, we ignore backache problem. If we keep on ignoring the backache problem for a long time, then in future it may turn out to be chronic. So, if you are suffering from the problem of spinal chord, consult a physician immediately and follow his advice. Today most of the doctors prescribe for the auto back support. It is very easy to use. We can use it at home, at office and while driving. It relives backache problem to a great extent. Work pressure compels a person to sit in one place for a long time but auto back support helps them to feel relax. With the upcoming of auto back support, you can bid goodbye to back pain. People perform various exercises to get relief from the back pain but it hardly relaxes them.
Auto back support comes in various shapes and sizes. Depending on ones necessity, a particular type of back support is suggested. With a proper back support, one can get rid of their back pain. Medicines can relieve backache for time being, but no sooner, you return to your office chair, problems starts to irritate you again. Improper and long sitting habits causes back pain. People sit hours after hours in front of the computer neglecting all their physical problems. They work hard to meet the deadlines and in the process, they borne the disease. Due to the present working scenario, people are suffering from severe back pain. Spinal cord is a very important part of our body and its injury may prove fatal.
A proper back support can very easily be fastened to your car seat and office chair. Its weighs is only 3 lbs. It has two carrying handles and two elastic straps. It has a lifetime warranty. A perfect auto back support eliminates pressure points and reduces fatigue, neck pain and headaches. An individual with erect and good persona wins over the heart of many and he is very popular among his friends circle and colleagues. If you are suffering from acute back pain then back support can be very helpful. Back support is portable and very easy to use. Its benefits cannot be ignored and people are finding it very useful. If you are suffering from backache use auto back support, then do not ignore your problem and before your backache causes you much pain, consult a physician.
Posted by
NHL Rumour Report
4:49 PM