
Lose that Weight Pt. II

1. Drink Plenty Of Water - Water will fool your stomach into thinking you've eaten more than you really have. I would recommend starting your day with a glass of water. Drink a glass of water before you start the meal. Have more during the meal.

2. Stay away from sweetened bottle drinks. These calories creep up on you. If you must, drink diet drinks.

3. Eat more fruit that contains water. Once again, the water will make you feel fuller.

4. Eat fresh fruit.

5.Don't drink fruit juice

6. Choose fresh fruit to processed fruit.

7. Increase your fibre intake.

8. Go crazy on vegetables - even if you don't want to, just eat a bit or a bit more than you'd prefer.

9. Eat intelligently. Monitor everything that goes in.

10. Watch what you eat. Watch what you buy too.

11. Control that sweet tooth. Fruit can solve this. Try fruit salad and your craving for a piece of cake will subside.

12. Fix times to have meals and stick to it. The more you stick to a schedule, the less your body will send messages for you to eat. Your body makes you feel hungry when it expects to be fed.

13. Eat only when you are hungry. Pretty obvious. The food will taste better. All this takes is a bit of self control.

14. Slow down when you're eating. Your body delays the effects of feeling full in order for the body to get as much as possible - our genes have made us able to do this due to our ancestors not having a constant supply of food - and thus meals were few and far between.

15. Take control. All of these tips are useless if you don't take your goal to lose weight seriously. It has to become your life. You have to become happier by eating healthy and making the right choice over getting that quick fix of tasty food.

16. At least try to stop eating out at fast food places. The more you go there, the more you'll want to go back. When you eat the food your brain will remember that enjoyment and compel you to go back for more. If you leave it long enough, your craving will subside. People don't compare it to smoking, but I'm going there. It has numerous health hazards and is subtly addictive.

I was there before. I was very unhealthy and I ate lots of fatty foods. It took me very long to turn the ship, and to be honest I owe it to the habits of my friends for changing me. I felt embarrassed when they were eating healthy and I wasn't - showing that there is indeed a strong social aspect in eating habits. Try to impress your friends by eating healthy - and you might just inspire them to come along with you.

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