Many people make their New Year's resolution to become super fit but fail to achieve their goal because of the obstacles they encounter.
When people think seriously about getting fit one of the first things they think of is attending a gym. Now this is fine, but just getting yourself to a gym involves time and trouble. Typically you need to get your training clothes ready, travel to the gym, park, wait to use the equipment, shower, change and then travel back home.
After a while many people reach the conclusion that all this just takes up too much time and their fitness dreams are dashed. If you could have a training facility in your home, however, all of the time that you waste going to and from a gym would be saved and you could spend more time in pursuance of your goal i.e getting fit.
An exercise treadmill provides the perfect facility for exercising at home. Running and walking are the most pleasurable and natural forms of exercising and build up stamina, help reduce weight and promote overall good health. The fact that you can indulge in this exercise in the peace, comfort and security of your own home by exercising on a treadmill is a huge bonus.
A key point to remember with regard to achieving your fitness goals with treadmill training is that the probability of you continuing with your fitness regime will be high. You are not subject to the vagaries of the weather and you can even watch the TV or listen to your favorite music at the same time.
When looking for a suitable home treadmill it is a good idea to steer clear of some of the cheaper products that you often see in the fitness sections of many department stores. Many of these budget models are lacking in quality and may see you looking at a repair bill in a short space of time.
Setting a goal to become fit is a major personal commitment and buying a treadmill for most of us is a major financial commitment, so buy wisely. When looking for a suitable treadmill try looking at some of the treadmill reviews which provide independent reviews, ratings, and pricing information for most models.
Sites such as will also provide online assistance from a fitness equipment expert to help guide you through your decision making process.
The first thing to consider when buying a treadmill is how it will be used. Will just one person be using the treadmill or many? Will these users be using the treadmill for walking, jogging, running or incline training?
Do not make the mistake of buying a cheap department store bargain and hope that it will meet the needs of your wife who just needs it for some gentle walking and your daughter who belongs to an athletics club and needs it for running. One size does not fit all here.
The next thing to decide upon is your budget. As stated earlier, for most people a treadmill is going to be a major investment so you need to spend wisely. A good quality treadmill should provide you with many years of use and will pay you back many times over in terms of overall fitness, healthy weight control and just sheer pleasure! As with most things in life you get what you pay for, so set your budget accordingly.
Another factor to consider is the weight of the heaviest person who will use the treadmill. Most treadmill review sites will include this in their product write ups and is usually shown as the maximum "user weight" for the treadmill. It is important to pay attention to this as the "maximum user weight" is stated for a good reason. If you weigh 300lbs do not buy a treadmill that has a maximum user weight of 250lbs and expect it to perform as it should for very long!
Give some consideration as to where you will locate your treadmill in your home. If you are fortunate to have a room where the treadmill can enjoy exclusive use then this will not be a problem but, if you intend to place it in a lounge then you may be interested in a "space saver" or folding treadmill.
These can be folded up into an upright position when not in use and so occupy a much smaller floor space. There are now available "ultra compact" treadmills that are highly portable and can be stowed under a bed or inside a closet when not in use. The Smooth 4.25 treadmill is an example of this type of treadmill.
Walking and running although excellent ways of exercising can produce stress on the feet and joints. For this reason you should look at treadmills with a good quality shock absorption system. Some treadmills now have quite sophisticated shock absorption systems. The Smooth 9.35HR treadmill for example uses a "Hydra suspension" system that be adjusted to the preferences of individual users.
Many treadmills have a bewildering array of electronic features to attract buyers. These include displays that measure calories used to the amount of energy expended in a fitness workout. Look for features that can stimulate and motivate.
The iFIT system developed by ICON fitness and installed in many popular makes including ProForm, HealthRider and Nordic Track allows the actions of the treadmill including the speed and incline elevation to be controlled by software programs that have been designed by professional fitness instructors. Other popular features include user ID's that can be customized and record past fitness workouts. The ProForm iLOG 500 is a treadmill that has this facility.
Of course selecting then buying your treadmill is only the start. The key to keeping fit is implementing a workout routine, get started and keep going. You'll find that after a month, your treadmill fitness session will become part of your normal routine and you will be well on your way to achieving your New Year's fitness goals!
Will your New Year's Fitness Resolution Fail this Year?
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NHL Rumour Report
4:57 PM
The Lazy Persons Guide To Perfect Health
Being healthy does not necessarily mean you have to spend hours a day in the gym and plan out each days meals to the last grain of rice on your plate. Obtaining a healthy body could be fun and hassle-free. In fact that is exactly the way it should be.
It is important to note that being healthy does not only consist of looking good on the outside. You can have a great body and still be on the brink of a heart attack. In order to be truly healthy three criteria need to be covered: mind, body and spirit.
This article only covers the “body” section of this important triad.
The Body:
Ever have a resolution to start building a body everyone on the beach will stare at with wonderous awe only to lose that initial drive and will power within a week or two? You most certainly must have otherwise you probably would not be reading this lazy guide right now!
Why does that initial will to succeed in building a great body dissipate just as suddenly as it began? The answer is simply this: Eventhough exercise makes you feel good and all those feel-good endorphins are released while you are working out, the body just was not designed to undergo extended periods of day in and day out torture.
A diet that does not support your new found will for hitting the gym is also a major contributor to you feeling listless and depleted after a couple of days.
So now I have told you everything you should not to and I have not been very helpful towards reaching your goals, have I!
Here, listed for your convenience, are the steps you could follow to create a new, good looking and energetic you:
1) There is a saying about what you eat walks today walks around tomorrow. This is one of those simple truths that everyone seems to overlook. This does not mean sticking to a strict diet that is so time consuming you do not even have time to enjoy your new found self. Here is the best part – You do not even have to give up meat to achieve this.
Here is what you do: Make your hands into fists and put them together. This is how much you can eat in a single meal without overdoing it. Half of your meal (about one fists worth) should be protein – Steak, mince, fish, chicken or basically any other type of meat or protein source you like. The other half of your meal should include healthy carbohydrates otherwise you will feel depleted after a day or two. This includes rice or potatoes or something along those lines. Remember it is not healthy anymore when it is fried in oil, so make sure you bake that potato!
Ideally you should get yourself a steam cooker as this is the healthiest, easiest way to cook a meal. You simply add your meat and potato and some spices, steam for 20 – 30 minutes and enjoy a great tasting, healthy meal.
2) Do not exceed the above described quantity per meal as this is the amount your body can successfully process in about two hours time. If you are hungry within 2 – 3 hours of having your last meal it is time to congratulate yourself, because this means that metabolism of yours has just been kick-started and is working at 110%. Award yourself by eating another meal as described above.
I am kidding, right? How can you keep eating but keep losing unwanted weight. This is probably the most mind-boggling trick bodybuilders use to build massive bodies full of muscle yet have percentages of bodyfat well below 10%.
If you keep eating this way you can eat 5 – 8 meals a day while still shedding fat. That means never going hungry again to lose weight and no more crash diets. Crash dieting actually tells your body there is a food scarcity and it should therefore preserve all fat for the future. That is why you lose 10 pounds on a crash diet and then gain 15 when you start eating again, and lets face it – you have to start eating again sometime. This also explains why you can lose weight while eating 5 – 8 healthy meals per day.
3) If you are a working person preparing healthy meals each day can be real difficult. This does not mean you can not still get your dream body. Visit your nearest nutritional store and ask for a meal replacement shake. Explain your lifestyle to the knowledgeable person assisting you and they will give you the perfect meal replacement shake for your specific needs. These shakes are probably one of the greatest inventions for a healthy body ever created – They can be made with water, taste like milkshakes and contain all the vitamins and minerals your body needs from a meal and do not contain any unhealthy fats. Imagine that – you get to drink a milkshake that makes you lose weight.
Do however not totally replace solid foods in your diet however convenient this may be, because your digestive system needs some solid stuff to process from time to time.
4) Get yourself a multivitamin. These contain all the vitamins your body needs and usually comes in a tablet form. You take one in the morning and presto – Your body will be working at maximum efficiency to get rid of toxins so you should soon have so much energy you will feel and probably look 10 years younger. You will also get sick less often.
5) Do some cardio. You have to get your heart going once in a while. This will help for better blood circulation and stop you from getting a heart attack.
Cardio does not need to involve hours of jogging until you puke, you just need to know when to do it.
As soon as you get up in the morning, drink a glass of water only and go for a walk around the block. Enjoy the scenery while your body burns the pounds away. You do not have any food in your stomach at this time so your body is burning pure fat for energy. All this amounts to just 10 minutes of effort two or three days each week. If you do not like walking outside you may want to consider buying a treadmill. If you are on a tight budget, just get a platform about 15 inches high and do step-ups in front of the television. If you have a partner in health you can take up a hobby like golf or squash.
6) Do weight training on occasion. Contrary to popular belief you will not look like Arnold Swartzeneggar in a week ladies (Looking like that takes years of careful planning, dieting, exercising and a lot of dedication!).
Weight training is a great way of getting a lean, tight body by isolating and burning off the fat in specific targeted areas.
7) Make sure you drink lots of water. Water is natures little magic potion. When taken into consideration that our bodies are made up mostly of water, it makes sense to say that lots of fresh water needs to be taken in for our bodies to stay healthy and function at an optimum level of efficiency.
These are just some of the steps you can take to a healthier, happier life.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:56 PM
This is the Workout I made for the Military that my Grandmom can Do
I had the pleasure of assisting our military design a workout program the other day that will help excel the fitness levels of one bunks soldiers. You see I was approached and asked to design a fitness plan that would elevate soldiers up and beyond their current fitness levels.
Even though you are not a hardcore military soldier, you can still benefit greatly from this workout. This workout will be perfect for whipping you into fantastic shape as well as tighten up your flabby arms and gut. Actually it will also firm up your butt!
This is what that workout that I made the other day for the military looked like...
You must start every workout session with a 2-3 min warmup of light jogging, jumping jacks, or jump rope.
Then, move through these exercises, one right after the other with only 10 seconds to relax between each (repeat the circuit 3-5 times for a killer full body workout):
A. bodyweight squats- 12 reps
1. Start by placing feet shoulder width apart and holding your arms out in front of you.
2. Proceed to squat down like you are going to sit in a chair. Your upper body will lean forward slightly and your hips will shift backwards while going down.
3. Remember to keep your knees from going out in front of your toes while squatting.
4. Repeat according to your required repetitions. If you want to make the exercise more challenging hold your arms at your sides or behind your head.
B. plyo pushups (clap your hands as you come up)- 10 reps
1. Start by getting into a push-up position.
2. Lower yourself to the ground and then explosively push up so that your hands leave the ground.
3. Catch your fall with your hands and immediately lower yourself into a pushup again and repeat.
4. Repeat for the recommended repetitions.
C. walking lunges up 6 steps and back 6 steps
1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart.
2. Step foward with one foot and bend your knees into a lunged position. Your back knee should come close to touching the ground and your front leg should be bent to about 90 degrees at the knee.
3. Maintain your upright posture throughout the movement.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat. Once repetitions are completed then repeat with the other leg.
D. full mountain climbers for 30 seconds
1. Start by getting on your hands and feet in a prone position.
2. Keeping your body parallel to ground drive your knees up towards your chest alternating back and forth.
3. Repeat this movement for the required number of seconds.
E. lunge skips - 6 reps to each section
F. lying on the ground leg thrusts (abs) on deck - 12 reps
1. Lie on your back with your legs bent 90 degrees at the hip.
2. Slowly lift your hips off the floor and towards the ceiling.
3. Lower your hips to the floor and repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.
G. squat skips - 8 reps
1) Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, trunk flexed forward slightly with back straight in a neutral position.
2) Arms should be in the �ready� position with elbows flexed at approximately 90�.
3) Lower body where thighs are parallel to ground.
4) Explode vertically and drive arms up.
5) Land on both feet and repeat.
6) Prior to takeoff extend the ankles to their maximum range (full plantar flexion) to ensure proper mechanics.
H. side plank 30 seconds on each side of your obliques
Start on your side and press up with your right arm.
Form a bridge with your arm extended and hold for the prescribed number of repetitions.
Make sure you rest for 2 min after each circuit; then you can repeat another 3-5x
The next time someone asks you about this topic, you can give a little smile and provide them an informative answer.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:55 PM
Information About Green Tea Diets
Obesity is among the chief health concerns in the world. Over 50% of the population of the USA is overweight or obese. For this reason, weight loss and diet plans have become increasingly trendy. However several diet plans do not work, and they are not all necessarily risk-free. An alternate way for those wanting to lose weight are green tea diets.
Because the therapeutic properties of green tea have not been so broadly publicised as you could expect, there are countless people who are oblivious to its potential. There are no specific rules for undertaking the diet, as all it actually involves is the inclusion of three, or four cups of green tea daily into your healthy diet.
It is suggested that a green tea diet could help with lots of different disorders including resistance to blood clots associated with heart disease and strokes.
Origins Of Green Tea
Green tea has been prized by the Chinese for thousands of years as a therapeutic drink. The story goes that it was primarily used by a Chinese Emperor named Shen Nung who was apparently boiling water when some leaves of a nearby tree dropped into his pot. So the very first pot of green tea was a fortunate accident!
Like the other significant Asian teas in the market, green tea is derived from the plant called Carmellia sinensis. Some of the health benefits are associated with the steaming method of making it. Unlike black and oolong tea that is subject to full oxidization, green tea is only lightly steamed, safeguarding its natural antioxidants in their original form.
Like many things, green tea is an acquired taste, and there are doubtless many people who commence taking it, but fall by the wayside, as they can't stand the flavour. But, they should be made aware that green tea products are obtainable to purchase in tablet or capsule form, and there is no point in preventing yourself from obtaining the well documented benefits.
Health Benefits Of A Green Tea Diet
You should be aware that there are plenty of health benefits attributed to a green tea diet. Among these benefits is reducing the risk of getting cancer. A particular substance in green tea is said to help in dealing with cancer cells without damaging any healthy tissues. The substance is known as epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG.
The EGCG in green tea diets is also helpful in improving the 24-hour energy expenditure of the body. Further studies undertaken by American and Swiss scientists at the University of Geneva demonstrated an extra increase of 4% in the body’s natural energy output. Those people using a green tea diet were apt to burn more fats than others not doing so.
Green tea diets are considered to seriously help in regulating cholesterol levels in humans. A particular study on the diets was undertaken in China involving 240 individuals with high cholesterol levels. The subjects were put on a green tea diet comprising of one capsule or had to take one placebo every day. One capsule is about equal to seven cups of green tea. After three months, those subjects given a green tea diet recorded a drop of sixteen percent in their cholesterol levels.
It is considered green tea could also be a cure for obesity. Catechin polyphenols that occur in the tea could hold up the reaction of gastric and pancreatic lipases in the body. These enzymes are used for converting calories in the body into fats. Through delaying these enzymes, green tea can stop fat from being stored and help to prevent obesity from becoming a health risk.
You should know that green tea diets have certain amounts of caffeine which make it a mild appetite-restrainer. However, the caffeine contained in the tea is lower than that in some other beverages, that contain caffeine like coffee. It is known that caffeine can be injurious to the body since an excess of it could cause hypertension, palpitations and sleep problems. Green tea diets hold fairly low quantities of caffeine, and so there is little danger of suffering such side-effects.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:54 PM
How To Drop 13 Pounds Of Fat In 15 Days
If you’ve ever been on a diet, you know that losing 13 pounds in a 2 week time frame is fairly difficult, but today I’m going to give you the step by step roadmap to losing 13 pounds in 15 days.
The 3 main components we’re going to focus on is nutrition (calorie intake), cardio, and weight training. You will need all 3.
First we’ll calculate your daily calories. Multiply your weight by 10 if you’re a man, or multiply by 8 if you’re a woman.
This number will be your daily calorie intake for the 2 week period. You’ll then start taking in 4-6 small meals per day. To figure out the calories you need per meal, divide your new daily calorie intake by 4, 5, or 6 (however many times per day you plan to eat – but no fewer than 4 if you’re female, and no fewer than 5 if you’re a man).
Once you figure out the calories per meal, you’ll need to strategically plan each meal in advance. The best way to go about this is to plan what you’ll eat for the next 2-3 days, and prepare those meals ahead of time. So at this point, you’ll have 3 days worth of meals already prepared. If this is too much, you can easily just prepare the next day’s meals the night before.
You’ll get the majority of your calories from lean meats such as chicken breast, turkey breast, lean hamburger meat, and egg whites. There are other options, but these will be the staple of your protein calories.
The majority of your carbohydrate calories will come strictly from potatoes, sweet potatoes, and brown rice.
During this 2 week period, you’re not eating for taste, you’re eating to lose fat. Period.
For condiments (just during this 2 week phase), only stick to ketchup and mustard (honey mustard is okay in moderation). Stay away from any added fat that’s not already contained in the protein or carbs you’re eating.
Cardio – Interval training is wildly effective, and it is generally recommended by most experts to alternate sprints with a slow jog or a walk in times of 30 seconds (for sprints), and 20 seconds (for walking/jogging), then alternating the 2 for a set time period of 5-20 minutes.
The problem is that many people (especially if you’re just getting back into exercise) can’t sprint because of joint or back pain, and if you haven’t sprinted since high school, it will feel like you’ve been run over by a truck when you’re done. Not to mention the risk of injury.
So I’ve designed an interval training series for non-sprinters. All you’ll need is a jump rope and some tennis shoes.
Interval Training
Squat Jump x 20 reps
Jump Rope x 30 seconds
Rest 15 seconds
You’ll perform squat jumps for 20 reps, immediately move to jumping rope for 30 seconds, and then immediately rest for 15 seconds. That’s 1 round. Complete 4-6 rounds 6 of the 7 days {{{of|for} week 1. Complete 6-10 rounds 6 of the 7 days of week 2.
Weight Training
We’ll focus on full body movements to burn the most amount of calories in the least amount of time while also fatiguing the muscles with moderately heavy weight. You’ll complete this circuit every other day starting on day 1 ending on day 15.
1. Upright Row x 6
2. Bicep Curl x 6
3. Bent Row x 6
4. Shoulder Press x 6
5. Stiff Leg Deadlift x 6
6. Squat Push Press x 6
7. Power Clean x 6
You’ll begin at exercise 1 and move to the next exercise until 6 reps of all 7 exercises are complete before resting. Once exercise number 7 is complete, you’ll rest 90 seconds and repeat for a total of 4 rounds during week 1. During week 2, you’ll complete 6 rounds total for each workout.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:54 PM
New Technology Creates Better-fitting Hip Replacements
That's very important to today's AARP-aged adults, who do not want to be limited by physical disability.
A good example of a person who wanted to remain active is Sy Woodall, an active senior from Valdosta, Ga. He recently made the decision to undergo total hip-replacement surgery after an MRI revealed that he was suffering from severe osteoarthritis in his hip.
Woodall initially thought he was suffering from a groin pull, but the pain persisted over several years and became increasingly crippling.
"Simple things, just like climbing stairs, became a tremendous problem all of a sudden," recalls Woodall. "Naturally, I'd like to get back to playing with my grandkids. I'd like to get back to that golf course. I would like to travel without being inhibited."
For otherwise healthy patients such as Woodall, concerns about postoperative dislocation, range of motion and implant longevity are paramount.
Orthopaedic manufacturers such as Stryker are continually looking for technologies to help better address these needs.
While larger joints are generally considered preferable for their potential for increased range of motion and reduced risk of dislocation, concerns about patient compatibility have meant that some anatomically sized hip implants were only available to a limited subset of the population.
Stryker's most recent offering, LFIT™ Anatomic Heads with X3 liners, takes advantage of technology that has the potential to reduce friction between the implanted joints and may offer greater wear resistance.
This technology enables the company to offer larger components designed to accurately reflect the natural human anatomy.
In addition, these new implants also offer the potential to increase range of motion and reduce the risk of dislocation and are compatible with a broad range of patients.
"Mr. Woodall was an excellent candidate for the advanced hip system because he wanted to stay active, relieve his pain, have good function and have his hip last a long time," explains his surgeon, Dr. John Waldrop. "This new technology increases range of motion while addressing the complication of it popping out of joint."
Staying informed, prepared and committed to completing a regimen of physical therapy are vital to the success of hip-replacement surgery.
In Woodall's case, physical therapy began within 24 hours of surgery. At that time he was surprised to already be well on his way towards regaining his independence.
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons estimates that approximately 200,000 people undergo total hip replacements each year. That number is likely to grow in years to come, given that the number of Americans age 65 and older is expected to double by 2030.
Many of today's seniors are healthy and stay fit playing sports they love. New hip-replacement technology can help them stay mobile for longer.
Hip dislocation is a major concern, both in terms of lifestyle recovery objectives as well as in economic repercussions. Dislocation can be incredibly painful and often requires a revision surgery. According to the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 3 to 4 percent of all Medicare patients receiving hip-replacement surgery will experience a dislocation, a burden that costs the U.S. healthcare system an estimated $74 million annually.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:52 PM
Say goodbye to back pain with car seat back support
As we progress with advanced technology and the various advantages of modern living, many problems also surround us. Our hectic lifestyle leaves us with very little time to follow a regular routine and order in life. As a result not only do we not eat properly and the right kind of food, but also find very less or no time at all for any kind of physical exertion. As a result, lifestyle diseases like obesity and backache have become a part and parcel of our lives. Not only does the irregular lifestyle add to our problems but also even simple things like a sitting posture can play havoc with our body. Most of us do a stationary job and remain seated for most of the day. The sitting posture leaves much to be desired and a natural result is backache. Matters turn worse in case you have to drive with such a condition. However, car seat back support can make a definite difference.
It is important to maintain the perfect posture while driving and a car seat back support can help you achieve this posture. Discomfort while driving can create problems not only for you but also for your co-passengers and those on the road. A backache while driving can cause danger of accident due to the discomfort to the driver. Hence, after you have spend a long time in office, sitting at your work desk, it is natural that you want some comfort for you back while driving. Hence, the car seat back support is the perfect solution for your back problem.
The car seat back support is ergonomically designed to extend maximum comfort and support to your backbone and spinal chord. It helps to maintain the natural posture of sitting according to the normal structure of the human body. Even if you are required to drive for long and cover long distances, you can feel comfortable at your driver’s seat with this kind of back support. In addition, you can continue to maintain a comfortable posture without any adjustments because the support adjusts according to your posture. In case you are not sure about the kind of car seat support that you should use, you can consult your physician for a recommendation.
A regular workout works wonders for our body and health but not many of us can devote the necessary time for it. In this case, even a brief brisk walk and minor precautions can prevent problems like back aches from occurring. Maintain care while sitting so that the perfect posture is maintained causing no harm to your spine. Additional devices like the car seat back support can further help to maintain a good posture and prevent aches and pains from affecting your life style. A routine check up by your physician can also keep many troubles at bay. Simple ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle, like light exercise and healthy eating, can change the way you lead your life. Adopt these simple measures and see the improvement in overall living.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:51 PM
Auto back support-Removes your back pain
A person with good personality catches one’s eye. A good posture is a symbol of great personality. Sitting or standing posture is taken into account when the personality of a person is defined. A person with good persona attracts one and all. Working for long hours in the same position can affect our health a lot. Due to improper sitting and working habits, most of the working people are suffering from backache. Today, the scenario is such that people need to sit constantly at one position and stare at the computer. Sitting in the same position for a long time causes spinal cord related problems. In this case, auto back support gives much relief. To meet the deadline, people ignore their health and work continuously. Auto back support helps to remove any sort of a back problem that is caused due to wrong sitting posture.
Many times, we ignore backache problem. If we keep on ignoring the backache problem for a long time, then in future it may turn out to be chronic. So, if you are suffering from the problem of spinal chord, consult a physician immediately and follow his advice. Today most of the doctors prescribe for the auto back support. It is very easy to use. We can use it at home, at office and while driving. It relives backache problem to a great extent. Work pressure compels a person to sit in one place for a long time but auto back support helps them to feel relax. With the upcoming of auto back support, you can bid goodbye to back pain. People perform various exercises to get relief from the back pain but it hardly relaxes them.
Auto back support comes in various shapes and sizes. Depending on ones necessity, a particular type of back support is suggested. With a proper back support, one can get rid of their back pain. Medicines can relieve backache for time being, but no sooner, you return to your office chair, problems starts to irritate you again. Improper and long sitting habits causes back pain. People sit hours after hours in front of the computer neglecting all their physical problems. They work hard to meet the deadlines and in the process, they borne the disease. Due to the present working scenario, people are suffering from severe back pain. Spinal cord is a very important part of our body and its injury may prove fatal.
A proper back support can very easily be fastened to your car seat and office chair. Its weighs is only 3 lbs. It has two carrying handles and two elastic straps. It has a lifetime warranty. A perfect auto back support eliminates pressure points and reduces fatigue, neck pain and headaches. An individual with erect and good persona wins over the heart of many and he is very popular among his friends circle and colleagues. If you are suffering from acute back pain then back support can be very helpful. Back support is portable and very easy to use. Its benefits cannot be ignored and people are finding it very useful. If you are suffering from backache use auto back support, then do not ignore your problem and before your backache causes you much pain, consult a physician.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:49 PM
Your Guide For Choosing a Fitness Center
If you are concerned about your health and fitness the fitness centers will help you not only to loose weight but also to get in shape. Wha you need to do is to choose the best.
Fitness is a growing concern for one and all. And beyond doubt, all of us certainly know the importance of keeping fit, and a good fitness center helps us do just that.
Out of the several ways to keep yourself fit, a well-equipped fitness center can be your best bet to keep up with the pace of today's stressful life. That is why, most of us are more interested in joining a gym or such center to take care of our exercising regime.
There are several reasons why it is suitable for most of us. First of all, a well-equipped center offers the best exercising equipments that are precisely meant for keeping your body fit. Apart from that, there is always a possibility of looking back to the fitness trainer, which most of the centers have, to form the schedule and guidance on the best way to exercise.
Other than this, it offers several other facilities for healthy living which include state-of-the-art equipment, swimming pools, basketball courts and daycare centers. All this factors make it your best ally in maintaining the fitness levels and move toward a healthier future.
With the growing concern for exercise and fitness, there are a large number of such centers in the United States. These vary greatly in size and the facilities they provide. This makes the process of selecting one even more difficult. While considering one you have to be aware of a lots of factors that can help you to make the proper choice. We present you with some important advice on choosing the best center around you.
First of all, look for the one that has different exercise opportunities available at one place. Consider facilities such as swimming, aerobics, racquetball, and biking workouts. Apart from that also look for quality exercising equipments. Also compare the facilities and membership fee with other centers around you. This will help you get a better picture of what you will get for your money.
Personal training is an important factor to consider in the selection process. If a personal trainer is available, also check if you are charged additional for it or are there introductory sessions included in your initial payment of the membership fee. Also check for future session charges.
If your center offers discounts on upfront payments of the yearly membership fee, then it an option worth considering. Otherwise you can always look forward to monthly payment options. Some of the fitness centers also charge a processing fee on your membership renewal so just read between the lines so that you don't have to pay extra for the same facilities.
Take a walk to inspect the fitness center yourself. Check for cleanliness as it is going to have a major impact on your sessions in the center. Inspecting the center gives you first hand information and will make you a decision about the whole thing.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:48 PM
How 7 Female Stars Stay Gorgeous
Did you catch that tabloid that exposed the stars without their makeup? Even so, you have to agree, from the neck on down celebrities always look fabulous. Whether appearing in television or films or strutting down the red carpet during movie premiers and awards, they make us wonder why they are so blessed in the looks department. How do they do it?
The truth is, it takes a lot of commitment and money to look the way they do, and being the public figures that they are, they cannot afford to slack off when it comes to taking care of their physical appearances.
Let's be real, the way they look is part of their business. They are a product being marketed so they have to look, well, worth paying the ticket price for. Aside from the clothes on the outside, the hair and the makeup from the neck up, celebrities have to take good care of their bodies. It's a total package from head to Gucci clad feet.
So, what do they know that you don't? It is no surprise that these stars have found their own secrets when it comes to staying fit and gorgeous. Their health agenda can range from extreme workouts to well-planned meals. Would you like to know their secrets in staying absolutely sexy? Here are some of the diet and exercise secrets of seven women celebrities.
1. Jennifer Aniston
The star of the phenomenal television show Friends not only mesmerized audiences with her adorable comic sense and her famous hairstyle, she is also known for having one of the sexiest bodies in Hollywood. She continues to appear on countless magazine covers and in other advertising. To stay trim, Jennifer follows the 40:30:30 diet method. The diet consists of:
40% Low glycemic carbohydrates - Foods such as beans, fruits and vegetables, legumes
30% lean proteins - Tofu, fish, chicken, turkey, beef and low fat dairy products
30% essential fats - nuts and seeds, fish, and olive-based oils
It is essential that every meal should contain macro nutrients to attain the balance of hormones and maximum weight loss. If you don't know what macro nutrients are, do a web search. Suffice to say these are important food groups to add to your diet.
2. Kate Hudson
The gorgeous daughter of actress Goldie Hawn gained 60 pounds during her pregnancy, which she needed to shed quickly before commencing on her next film. From her previous eating plan, she switched to a higher protein diet. She consumed high protein meals in smaller portions, and she combined this diet with an exercise program that includes weight training and cardiovascular workouts. The high protein intake is a trick employed by male weight lifters to shed fat and build muscle.
Her post pregnancy figure garnered some constructive criticism from friends and industry types which may have given her incentive to shed all that baby weight in only four months! In the process she gained rippled abs that is the envy of many in Hollywood and that's just counting the men!
3. Oprah Winfrey
As one of the most successful talk-show hosts in the world, there is no question that Oprah has an ongoing battle to maintain her physical appearance for her millions of fans. It's no secret that Oprah is known as one of those celebrities who are constantly battling weight gain. If you are a regular viewer, you have seen the shift in weight over the years. She has recently toned up her figure and has never looked more fit.
She combines a regular exercise regime with a solid diet plan. Oprah works out five days a week, spending 30 minutes on the treadmill and doing free weights. Her eating plan consists of legumes, fish, nuts, fruits and vegetables, chicken and dairy products that are low-fat. She limits her consumption of white sugar and flour. Oprah also credits her trim figure to her habit of not eating anything after seven in the evening.
4. Gwyneth Paltrow
A lot of people may find it hard to believe that the perpetually slim Academy award-winning actress actually needs to diet. Gwyneth actually follows a healthy eating plan that resembles Oprah's, avoiding sugar and white flour. She usually follows a macrobiotic diet, eating foods like vegetables, brown rice, and lean meat. She also eliminated products containing dairy from her diet, and does yoga every day.
5. Madonna
The pop star known as the Material Girl has always flaunted her body as one of the tools of her business. To stay looking sexy, she has become a true fitness groupie over the years. She keeps herself in tip-top shape by practicing Ashtanga Yoga, and follows a strict diet that mostly shuns junk foods. She adopted a macrobiotic eating plan that includes organic foods rich in lean protein.
6. Claudia Schiffer
The bodacious German super model eats salad and steamed vegetables for dinner and eats only fruits before the afternoon. While on locations, she prefers to eat black grapes and drinks tomato juice and herbal tea. No where do we find meat on the menu but that's not to say she doesn't eat meat, fish, or poultry occasionally.
7. Christie Brinkley
Longtime super model Christie Brinkley maintains her all-American good looks by being a vegetarian. She does not keep junk foods of any kind inside her home to avoid being tempted beyond what she can handle. She snacks on sweet potatoes in place of candy bars, and she adopts a liquid juice diet when she needs to slim down fast.
In closing, take heart, celebrities are just like you and me. If you saw them on the street or in the supermarket they obviously wouldn't be looking like they are ready to walk the red carpet at that moment. Chances are you might not even recognize them because you are not expecting them to look average.
Yes, they need to maintain their figures more than anyone else because they are constantly in the public eye but you also can have a celebrity-like body by following the diet and fitness plans of the stars. With the right clothes, hair and makeup, you can look red-carpet worthy too!
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NHL Rumour Report
4:46 PM
How To Use Treadmill Reviews To Your Advantage
Treadmills are number one favorite home fitness equipment among exercisers worldwide. Chances are you have used treadmills before or interested owning home treadmill. Studies how shown that number one fitness equipment among exercisers are treadmill this is because they are easy to use and fast to achieve results.
Millions of people use treadmills to get fit and loose weight either at their own homes, gyms, clubs, work & etc. Walking and running are one of the popular exercises that almost anybody can do, and it can be done on a treadmill.
The net is full of reviews and ratings about popular brands of treadmills with different prices and models. Most of these websites are biased and often makes harder to trust and purchase a high quality treadmill. These websites are affiliates with treadmill manufactures and their aim is to sell you the treadmill even if it means misleading you.
How to use this information to your advantage? Even though these different information’s are confusing which makes your treadmill research unpleasant? You have the advantage of the internet where consumer research and fitness experts publish their unbiased reviews and ratings, such as treadmill doctor, consumer research, and Amazon consumer reviews. These websites will give you unbiased and informative information about treadmills.
Read all of the comments and narrow down your research to 5 potential treadmills, than list the features, programs, price limit and the type of treadmill whether is manual, electronic or foldable or non-folding treadmill. Once you know what type of treadmill you looking for go through treadmill buying tips guidelines which will clear out the confusion and help you get a high quality treadmill.
There’re five things you must be concerned about when purchasing any treadmill:-
1. Warranty: do not purchase treadmills without warranties or short warranties, chances are they will break straight after the warranty expiries and you will end up with broken treadmill, which will require more investment. Buy treadmills that have more than 2 years warranty and 10 years or more motor warranty.
2. Motor: is the asset of the machine without the motor treadmill is a statue metal, never ever buy low horsepower treadmills as it will not endure the pressure of workouts and die sooner than expected. Make sure that you choose a model that has enough horsepower for your intended use. Look for models with strong, reliable motors. If you plan to walk or jog slowly, a 1.0 - 1.5 continuous duty motor should be sufficient. If you're a runner, at least a 1.5 continuous duty motor is recommended. If you weight more than 180 pounds, look for a motor that offers a minimum of 2.0 continuous duty horsepower. You can determine the quality of a treadmill's motor with the following three tests:
3. Speed: it is very important for the overall quality of the treadmill, there is no need buying treadmill that don’t come with multiple speed choices, the lower the speed the lower the quality of the machine. Speed is what makes you burn calories therefore get treadmill that have speed up to 15 to 20 per kilometer.
4. Noise level: is very important the higher the noise level the less pleasure you will endure from your workout, always go for low noise treadmill motor.
5. Stability: the treadmill must be stable for your workout needs, it should not move at all, when looking treadmill reviews and ratings always check stability ratings, if the treadmill is not solid enough for your workout training than there is no point investing in.
Treadmills are easy to use and quick to achieve results, but purchasing a treadmill can be unpleasant and confusing as it is hard to differentiate one form another. There are legitimate websites that provide unbiased consume research which can help you with your treadmill research.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:44 PM
Herbal Medicines For Mouth and Throat Problems
Like the nose, the mouth and throat are open to infection from airborne sources; they are also affected by problems in the lungs, sinuses, and stomach. Throat problems may be the result of constitutional weakness and respond well to the holistic approach offered by alternative therapies.
The condition is caused when the soft palate of the mouth vibrates and makes a noise while the person is asleep. Snoring can usually be stopped by waking the sleeper or changing his or her position. However, it is sometimes a result of "sleep apnea," in which the snorer stops breathing for a minute or more during sleep. The body is stimulated by a rush of epinephrine (adrenaline) to make a sudden snoring noise. Sleep apnea, characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, is a serious condition for which medical advice should always be sought.
Yoga Relaxing yoga exercises before you go to bed improve breathing techniques. Lie on the floor with your arms and legs apart and breathe deeply and slowly, to a relaxed rhythm. Breathe out for a longer period than you breathe in.
Sore Throat
The main symptom of a sore throat is harsh raw pain on swallowing; this may be accompanied by fever. Sore throat and pharyngitis are essentially the same thing. Most cases (70 percent) are caused by viral infections, the rest by the streptococcus. Viral infections are I accompanied by other symptoms such as a runny nose and a cough, while streptoccocal infection tends to be more severe in form.
Homeopathy A homeopath may prescribe Heprol 30c for a very painful sore throat.
Herbal Medicine The following may be gargled sipped: 2 drops essential oil of lemon and sandalwood in a glass of warm water, or powdered root of licorice dissolved in warm water (it has a mildly anesthetic effect). Or try 30g of the herb red sage (or ordinary sage will do) mixed in warm water. An infusion of the herb golden seal is soothing. Make an ointment using eucalyptus and peppermint oils in a lotion base and apply it to the neck and chest.
Laryngitis manifests as hoarseness, throat pain, cough, and excessive mucus, caused by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx (voice box).
Herbal Medicine An infusion of sage and thyme gargled - and small amounts drunk - every eight ho, eases hoarseness. An infusion of marshmallow leaf drunk several times a day will alleviate the inflammation of the membranes.
Homeopathy A homeopath may prescribe Belladonna for a sore throat, hoarseness, and pain, or Causticum for a raw feeling in the chest and throat, with Spongia fori dry cough (all 30c).
This is a sore throat caused by inflammation of the pharynx, which connects the back of the nose to the back of the throat. The inflammation is normally caused by acute or chronic infection, or is the result of smoking, alcohol, or overuse of the voice.
Herbal Medicine Gargle with cider vinegar and honey, or warm water with a few drops of sandalwood and lavender oil, four times a day to alleviate the pain and soothe the throat. Use a steam inhalation with olbas oil, apply a cold compress to the throat to alleviate pain, and drink a herbal tea to soothe the throat.
Homeopathy A homeopath may prescribe Lachesis to relieve a feeling of tightness around the throat, and Apis for an innamed throat and stinging pain.
Sore throat, pain on swallowing, fever, and sometimes a blocked nose are caused by an inflammation of the tonsils. The disorder is most common in childhood. Tonsillitis is normally the result of an acute infection, although susceptible individuals can have attacks when they become rundown or stressed. Recurrent bouts of tonsillitis may be related to food allergy.
Herbal Medicine Herbal treatments are among the oldest natural forms of remedy for tonsillitis, and they help cool swollen membranes. Marshmallow, plantain, elderflower, and catnip (catmint) may be used either as tinctures or gargles.
Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:
Bach Flower Remedies Holly, Beech, Agrimony, and Chicory Bach flower remedies are all beneficial for this condition. These concentrated remedies are bought in small amounts and a few drops added to mineral water. The remedy is prescribed not only for the illness but also for the emotional state of mind. An initial visit to a qualified practitioner is advisable.
Homeopathy Treatment would be constitutional if the problem is chronic, but specific remedies are suitable for attacks; they include Belladonna 30c, Hepar sulf. 6c, Mercurius 6c, Lycopodium 5c, Lachesis 6c, and Phytolacca 6c. The remedy chosen depends on the nature of the pain experienced in the throat and the nature of attendant symptoms.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:42 PM
Exercise: The Key to Healthy Skin
Regular exercise and physical activities like weight training, yoga, and aerobic exercises have been known to improve physique and aid in weight-loss. People workout regularly so that they can develop a more toned and leaner physique. They do this by burning fat through exercise. Working out also promotes greater muscle density, bone strength, and helps reduce the risk of breaking bones as one gets older. Recent medical studies suggest that regular exercise and physical activities may also be beneficial to overall skin health and clean the skin of acne and other impurities. Adding exercise in a daily routine is essential for skin care.
Exercise improves the skin by improving the blood circulation in the body and, therefore, provide oxygen and other nutrients to the skin cells. As one sweats, the body removes toxins through the open pores of the skin. This process effectively cleanses the pores from dead skin cells, dirt, and excess sebum. Sebum is the oil secretions of the sebaceous glands and may clog pores that cause the production of acne. This substance is scentless but its bacterial breakdown may produce odors. In addition to these benefits, exercise enables the kidneys and liver to function properly. These developments makes the elimination of toxins from the body more effective and efficient. It is always best to take a shower after a workout since bathing washes away any waste material and bacteria that is present on the skin. It also prevents the buildup of bacteria that is attracted to sweat. These bacteria may cause body odor and the development of acne.
Drinking enough water after working out may guarantee proper hydration of the body and help reduce skin dryness and is important factor in skin care. However, it is advised to drink the right amounts of water because too much or too little may bring unwanted effects. Needless to say, water is essential in eliminating body toxins and in replacing all the water that was lost from sweating during exercise.
A better physique and healthy-looking skin are not the only benefits of exercise and physical activities. They also have emotional and mental benefits. These activities are good for stress relief and in keeping the mind active and focused. This is possible because of moderate or intense physical activities may prompt the body to produce substances called endorphins. These substances are produced by the brain that may elevate one's mood and eliminate feelings of stress and anxiety. This effect is called by many health experts as the “runner's high.
Furthermore, individuals who want to engage in exercise and other physical activities should consult health professionals or train with a professional instructor. Because improper or too much training may do more harm than good. Extreme exercise may increase the production of stress hormones like cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. These hormones aid the body switch to more efficient fat-burning metabolism to preserve glycogen in the muscles and aid blood vessels in the delivery of oxygen to the muscles.
Stress overload can occur if an individual does not reduce the intensity of training even for short periods. This may cause an increase in white blood cells that eliminate bacteria, viruses, and even cancer cells. When the intense exercise is finished, the number of immune cells may decrease. It is theorized that any viruses or bacteria present in this stage may multiply and cause infection which may weaken the immune system. Exercising is critical in overall health and skin care. Adding them in one's lifestyle may lead to the development of healthy-looking skin.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:41 PM
Herbal Medicines And Problems of the Heart and Blood
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (particularly the arteries) are not only the single biggest cause of death in the modern world, particularly the Western world, but the most preventable.
Together they kill almost as many people as all other diseases together, including cancer, particularly in northern Europe and North America.
Most heart and arterial disease is caused by poor eating and living habits (including smoking), stress, lack of exercise and excess weight. More than half the people who are overweight die of heart disease or related problems such as stroke, for example, while in most Western countries an increasing number of quite young people, even teenagers, are suffering from advanced arterial disease.
Yet both conditions seem to be almost unknown among primitive societies - which is why they are often called "the classic diseases of civilization" and why they are variously estimated to be about 95 percent preventable. Recent research, particularly in the United States, has shown that the same factors that can cause disease can also reverse it if turned around.
Balanced diet, exercise, relaxation, and healthy living generally have now been shown to be capable of unclogging arteries and reenergizing the heart. For this reason, alternative medicine has moved to the forefront in many countries in the treatment of heart and arterial disease, and could become more important than conventional management drugs in the years ahead.
Heart, blood vessels, and blood make up the circulai system, which circulates blood around your body.
Blood carries oxygen from the air to "fuel" the cells, nutrients to feed the body, and other chemicals, such as hormones, essential for the body's function, repair, and maintenance as well as protection against disease.
Poor Circulation
The heart pumps the blood, arteries carry it from the heart, and veins return it to the heart. Normally, the heart pumps about 10pt/51 of blood per minute around the body. However, if the blood flow is restrictead for some reason, circulation is slowed down. Poor circulation occurs mainly in the elderly and most often affects the areas farthest from the heart. Medically the condition is known generally as peripheral ischemia and can result in a wide range of symptoms, from cold hands and feet and cramp, to gangrene in extreme cases, where an area of tissue dies and starts to decay. Poor circulation is usually the result of the combined effect of a less healthy heart and narrowed and hardem arteries, normally as a result of age. Smoking is the most common cause but it can also be a concomitant symptom of diabetes, infection, long exposure to cold.
Treatment should concentrate on stopping smoking and increasing the supply of blood to the area by helping the blood vessels to expand and the heart to pump more effectively. Improvement in the quality of the blood, particularly its red cell count, should also be sought.
Massage This is a good way to stimulate the circulation in any condition. Do not massage directly over injuries (cuts, bruises, or breaks), inflamed veins (phlebitis), varicose veins, or tumors. Alternatives to massage are reflexology and aromatherapy with black pepper and rosemary essential oils.
Hypnosis/Biofeedback Temperature biofeedback training may help to raise the temperature of the extremities.
Diet and Nutrition In addition to a generally healthy diet, eat plenty of oily fish such as mackerel, herring, salmon, and tuna. Food supplements recommended are vitamin A, C, E, selenium, zinc, manganese, and the essential fatty acids EPA and GLA.
Herbal Medicine The following herbs are widely believed to act as tonics on the blood: garlic, hawthorn berries (crataegus), echinacea, ginger, cayenne, chili and black pepper, prickly ash, and hops.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:38 PM
Alternative Treatment For Pain
Pain is an unpleasant sensation that ranges from mild discomfort to almost unbearable agony, and can be acute or chronic.
Acute pain is short term and can last from a few seconds to a few hours, days or weeks - for instance, pain caused by injections, migraine, burns, and surgery. The pain may be self-limiting, or it may act as a warning that something is wrong and requires immediate treatment.
Chronic pain is persistent, intractable pain that may worsen rather than improve with time. Common examples are arthritic pain, backache, postherpetic pain (after shingles, for instance), neuralgia, and phantom limb pain. Many complementary medical techniques are useful for chronic pain, which is usually more deep seated than acute and often more distressing, because of its longevity. The prospect of long-term drug therapy to control pain often tips the balance in favor of a decision to try alternative medicine, for this is often gentler, less invasive, and has fewer side effects.
Exercise helps to stimulate the endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, and also provides distraction from pain. Even a brisk, ten-minute walk can help, but do seek professional advice before undertaking any exercise program.
Psychological Therapy Our thoughts, feelings, and behavior have a considerable impact upon how much pain we feel, regardless of the causes. If we are depressed or anxious, pain is likely to affect us more; the more we dwell on it or encourage others to treat all as ill, the worse it is likely to become. Psychologists who specialize in pain-relief programs suggest that chronic pain sufferers take up active hobbies or interests as a distraction from it. They also advise positive thinking, whenever feelings of pain threaten to overwhelm them.
Diet and Nutrition
The pain-relieving amino acid DL-phenylalanine (DLPA), which is found naturally in foods such as nuts, cheese, avocados, bananas, sesame, and pumpkin seeds, is available as a dietary supplement, and has proved useful in treating pain. However, consult your physician, since migraine victims and some sufferers of high blood pressure should not use it.
Different oils, either sprinkled in a bath or inhaled from a few drops on a handkerchief, can ease various types of pain. For instance, camphor, lavender, and sage can relax painful muscles. Lavender is also analgesic, and is often used in the treatment of migraine. Bergamot, camomile, and marjoram are used to relieve pain.
Visualization This is a technique that helps man people. Close your eyes, relax, and choose an image you could believe would soothe your pain, such as a warm golden glow that melts it away, or a gently flowing stream that carries away. Use whatever works for you.
Relaxation Pain generally feels worse when you are tired, stressed, and tense, so practicing relaxation technique on a regular basis should help to relieve it.
Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:
Massage A gentle massage can soothe many kinds of pain and relieve tension. Fear and tension often contribute to the level of pain.
Acupuncture Acupuncture is often used successfully to help relieve conditions such as arthritis, back pain, and chronic migraine. The principal approach is treatment of the meridians passing through the painful area.
Tens (Transcutaneous Electrial Nerve Stimulation) This can relieve back, arthritic, musculoskeleta, cancer, postoperative, labor, phantom limb, neuralgia, migraine, and sports injury pains.
Acupressure This has been known to help relieve chronic arthritis if carried out daily.
Osteopathy and Chiropractic These treatments may help particularly musculoskeletal problems such as neck and shoulder pain, backache, and sciatica.
Alexander Technique Pain that has its root in tension, or is exacerbated by tension, may be relieved by this technique. Backache, arthritis, migraine, and other problems can be successfully treated.
Hypnotherapy, Autogenic Training, Healing, Yoga, and Meditation Any of these disciplines may also be helpful in combating pain, since they are all calming, de-stressing techniques.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:36 PM
You Can Do It- Lose weight fast
These are 9 things every man should set a goal for. Look up the word "fit" in the dictionary. Does is say anywhere how much a man should be able to lift or how fast her should be able to run? No. So we can't find a real definition of what fit means. Use this as your dictionary and get fit with us. Before you call yourself "in shape" try these rules. Any man can follow in the and if you can't go all the way at first we'll give you what you need to make it there. We say a fit man can bench press 1 1/2 of his body weight. Upper body strength for more then just the actually exercise. You'll look good in a tank top, when that guy at the bar hits on your lady you'll be able to throw his weight around.
You'll never have to worry about him again. Lye down flat on a bench press machine, keeping your feet flat to the ground the entire time. Divide the heaviest weight you've lifted times your body weight.
Score: Less than 1.0: a little weak but we can fix this. 1.0–1.49: Ordinary, you're not that bad off. 1.5 or more: You definitely know what's going on.
You want to strengthen a muscle? The key is to lift fats. Follow these for a few weeks and you'll see how much you've improved.
*Take a weight that's about 40% of what you can lift at one time. Do nine sets of three reps. Don't forget to rest about 50-60 seconds between sets. Lower and raise the bar as fast as you can, changine your grip every three sets. Example :start at 16-20 then 20-24 inches apart.
*About three to four days after do three sets of flat, incline or decline barbell presses with the heaviest weight you can lift (six times).
*Press you head into the bench as you are lifting. Doing this will ensure that your spine is perfectly straight. Pushing your head into the bench activates neck extensors.
A man in shape can run a mile and a half in 11 minutes. Your body's ability to give oxygen to your working muscles shows that you're in peak performance. Doing exercises regularly (running) lowers your cholesterol and keeps your body fat to a minimum. This is good for prevention of heart disease. Run a mile and a half as fast as you can (try to keep on the flat surfaces) If you're trying to achieve aerobic capacity you need to be able to run long and fast.Follow these tips for 6-10 weeks and you'll improve your endurance up to 30%.
*If you need to walk that's okay. Every Sunday take a 40-60 minute run. Make sure that you never feel winded at any time. Like I said you can walk.
*On Tuesday do 4-6 half mile intervals at your won pace. Set a goal. If your goal is to run this in 10 minutes, each interval should be 3 minutes and 20 seconds.Don't forget to rest in-between.
*Thursday do 4-6 up hill runs. Run at a good pace. Take two minutes to rest in-between intervals. For the last interval jog for about 10-15 minutes.
*Split the distance into four 600-yard intervals and run them at a pace that's 10 percent faster than your 11/2-mile pace, resting 1 minute after each.
A man in shape can be able to give a good leap forward. This shows lower body strength and speed. This is good for when you're trying to steal base etc...A man that's in shape should score high for a vertical jump. Grab a piece of chalk when doing this, chalk you fingers and stand flat footed against a wall, Put your chalked fingers as high as you can up the wall and mark it. Without taking a step, dip your knees and swing your arms and jump. The distance between the two marks is your vertical distance. Score:20 inches or less: You're not jumping far enough to lift off the ground. Between 20 and 26 inches: Not too bad but you have room for improvement. Higher than 26 inches: Great job.
*If you want to jump higher you'll have to practice it.
*Stand on something that's about 12" off the ground and step off the box. The minute your feet touch the ground jump as high as you can. Keep repeating this about 5 times.
*Do four more sets, rest 30 seconds between sets.
*Never use your first jump to score. You're just getting started. When it comes to strength, your lower half is your better half. Your butt and leg muscles are the root of your body.You need your lower half for almost everything. Get in position in the leg press machine, lower the weight until your legs are bent about 90 degrees then push the weight back up. To figure out your score divide the highest amount of weight you've lifted times your body weight. Score: Less than 1.8: Not very sturdy. 1.8 to 2.2: Not too bad but you can do much better. More than 2.2: Nice leg power, keep it up. Want stronger legs in three weeks? Try this.
* Use a weight that's about 95 percent of the amount you lifted when you first tried. Do 10 sets of one rep, rest for 80 seconds after each set.
*This should be done at least two times a week, and every time you do it take away 10 seconds out of your resting period. period . When your rest period is down to 30 seconds, retake the test and use more weight.
* Before you take the test do a leg press with 20% more weight than what you think you can lift. Lower the weight only halfway before pushing it back up. When doing this your muscles will be expecting a heavier weight. It'll seem a lot easier and you'll be able to lift more.
Swimming is a great workout. It needs aerobic capacity and upper body muscle. Swim as much as you can in 12 minutes. Your total distance in yards will be your score. Less than 500 yards: You're drowning. 500–700 yards: Good but room for improvement. More than 700 yards: Go fishy! There's only about 2 out of 100 people that can swim a quarter mile without stopping. Thats probably because they have poor form and this can greatly affect the way you're swimming.
*Always keep your head straight with your body. *When breathing, I know this sounds weird but breath from your belly button and roll. Don't change the position of your head. You'll float better and use less energy. This way you'll be able to swim more. * Swim 25 yards to practice your form. Begin swimming a total of 200 yards every time you practice. Eight 25 yard intervals. yards Each week add 50 yards until you're swimming at least 500 yards. Bring on 25 more intervals every two weeks, until you can to swim the entire distance without stopping.
How does 40 push ups sound? Tough? Pushups measure upper-body strength .Do you think you can drop right now and do 40 push ups? Try it and see how you do. If you can do this when you really need your upper body strength you'll have it. Get you body on the floor and make sure your arms are parallel to the floor and you shoulders. Start to push yourself up and do this as many times as your body will let you. Score 25 or fewer: not tough enough bud. 26–39: Not too bad but also not too good. 40 or more: Nice bod keep up the good work.
Building an upper body. * Do sets of half the number of pushups that you just did. Rest 60 seconds between sets. When you've done a total of 40 pushups. Example: if you did 12 pushups in the test, you'll need to do seven sets of six pushups.
* Each time you work your upper body do it every four days. Take off 5 seconds from the rest interval. After 12 sessions of this you'll be able to do 40 pushups without resting.
*Time how long it takes you to do as many pushups as you can. Then rest for the same amount of time. Repeat this two to four times. You'll improve your upper-body strength fast.
What does your belly look like? If your belly is growing faster than your kids you have big problems. More fat you have in your belly the greater risk you're at for heart disease. We want you to be a man that's in shape you won't get heart disease. The easiest way to figure your risk level is to do a comparison of your waist and hip measurements. Get a measuring tape and measure your waist at the narrowest point. Measure the distance around the widest part of your butt and hips. Divide your waist measurement by your hip circumference to find out your risk level. Score 0.92 or higher: You're not doing too well. 0.82 to 0.91: Not bad but room for improvement. 0.81 or less: Good going Arnold.
To lose this extra weight you will have to exercise and eat good foods Which probably mean you'll have to go on a diet. Try this, take 250 calories out everyday and burn away 250 calories a day with exercise. That's 500 calories in one day. You're going to do great! 250 calories is about the same as a 355 ml can of Coke and two handfuls of chips. If you want to burn the same number of calories through exercise, try lifting weights for 30 minutes, walk 2 1/2 miles, whatever you're doing it has to get your heart rate up above normal. Only allow so much inside you. Watch your carbohydrates. Which you eat after 5 p.m. As the day goes on your body will store what you eat and turn it into fat.
Whether you're chasing a man who has robbed an elderly lady or running just because you want to see how fast you can go, every now and then a man just needs to test himself. Is it possible for you to do 300 yards in 60 seconds? If so, you have the speed you need for about anything. Run as fast as you can. Do this 6 times, for a total of 300 yards. Score More than 70 seconds: Way too slow bud. 60 to 70 seconds: Keep trying you're on the road for improvement. Less than 60 seconds: Fast as lightning.
*Run at 85% of everything you've got for 1 minute. *Then run at a lower pace, maybe 40% of everything you've got. Alternate between speeds for about 20 minutes. *Try this on a hill to get even better results.
Run as hard as you can each time you push off the line for your first three steps. Run though the middle area of each 25 yard run. Try and keep the same speed you gained from your sprint. This will help your speed alot. Beginning and stopping parts of the run are where most guys give up. Getting started is the hardest part and is much more.
We're not telling you to be a gymnast but you do need to be a bit flexible. even to tie your shows. If tying your shoes is already a problem for you listen up. Flexible muscles will help keep you moving at whatever it is your doing. Research shows from the ages 35-50, an average man's flexibility has gone down by 25 %. Without flexible muscles you can be heading into a bit of trouble. Here's some tips to help you make yourself a bit more flexible.
*Measure out 15 inches on the floor. *Sit down with your legs out in front of you and have your heels at the edge of the tape. *Place both hands on top of one another and reach towards your feet. Reach as far as you can without bending your legs. The score will be set by if you reached your feet or not.
Score Less than 15 inches: You're in need of some yoga. 15 to 17 inches: Room for improvement. More than 17 inches: You're great at this. Show me more little gymnast!
Completely relax yourself and your muscles will be more receptive to being stretched.
*Put your left leg on a step or whatever is near you thats almost as high as your waist. Have your leg straight and lean forward, as far as you can go and still being comfortable.
*Keep leaning as you're bending your knee, push the heel of your foot into the bench for 10 seconds. Relax and put your leg straight. Just from doing this every few days you'll be able to lean forward more then when you first started. than when you started. When doing this try and hold the position for 20-30 seconds.
*Do this three times. Going forward more each time.
* Always do a few little stretch before any exercise. Stand and put the heel of you foot on top of a ball. Have your leg straight and have them out in front of you. Don't move your body but try and move your foot in a circle motion. This will relax your leg muscles.
It's been told that a man that's in shape can throw a basket ball 75 feet from his knees. Here is why this is important, throwing for a certain distance measures all of your upper body strength. A man in shape should have a strong arm. Not just to throw a ball but also to kick some ass if he ever need to. Kneel on the court and throw the basketball overhand as far and as hard as you can. Score Less than 60 feet: I think you need a new arm. 60 to 74 feet: Need improvement but okay. More than 74 feet: You're on fire!
Tips on how to make your upper half strong. Try doing some single arm presses .This will improve upper-body speed and strength. *Get a dumbbell with a grip on it and hold it in your left right hand. *Stand with your feet parallel to you shoulders have your knees bent just a bit. Pull that dumbbell right up in the air and bent your knees a bit. Then get back up. *When pulling up move the weight in an arc over your upper arm until the dumbbell rests on the top of your shoulder. Make sure your upper arm is still parallel to the floor. Bent your knees again and go. * Push the weight over your shoulders until your arm is fully straightened. Start again but switch arms. *Do this two days week and rest for three days. Do three sets of four reps with a heavy weight in one of the workouts. Do eight sets of one repetition with a much lighter weight(30 % of the heaviest weight you can lift in the other arm.) *Try throwing the ball on a 40- 45 degree angle.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:35 PM
The Right Exercise To Get Rid Of Love Handles
The human body needs energy and fats are its best source. However, spending most of your time watching TV and gobbling processed food stores and adds fats that you don't need. Sure you enjoy watching home movies with fattening snacks. Before you know it, you're already fat. Then you think of an exercise to get rid of love handles because you're simply getting uglier with it. So what's the next best thing to do?
Just because it's called love handles doesn't mean you have to love it. But love handles are those rolling flaps protruding at your pants' brim. They don't look good and they're not healthy. You need to unload them. Burn them. Start making a habit to exercise to get rid of love handles regularly to stay in good shape.
Shedding those flabby waist lines can be difficult. It requires hard work and discipline. But this doesn't mean you have to torture yourself. Working out should be fun. Probably the first thing that comes to your mind is to know the right exercise to get rid of love handles. And since you enjoy home movies a lot, why not do it while working out? Here are some exercises that you can do in front of your TV screen.
- Try aerobics exercises. This is a type of exercise that burns your fats and therefore makes you lose weight. If done regularly, it also helps maintain that weight you hope to keep. Although it can be pretty hard to do this while watching a home movie. What you can probably do is find the channel where an aerobics exercise is shown. This should only take a few minutes of your time. Do this to warm up for the next position.
- Do some abdominal exercises. The top three in the list today are the captain's chair, the bicycle maneuver exercise, and the exercise ball crunch. These three work on both the rectus abdominis and the oblique muscles. All three build muscles in your tummy. But you don't have to do all of them. You may even just need one exercise to get rid of love handles effectively. At this point, you can switch the channel to the movie you like while doing the workout. Don't forget to keep your focus too.
- Try healthier snacks. At times when you just want to relax and enjoy the movie, try having healthy snacks. Instead of ice cream, try fibrous snacks such as celery or carrots. After all, you only need to exercise at least three times a day. In between those schedules, you may still enjoy your movie and nibbles on those healthy sticks.
- Make a decision to stay healthy. The idea of having to exercise to get rid of love handles is not a short term regimen. Your body never stops storing fats and if you're not careful with your food, you'll end up bloated. By that time, it may be harder for you to lose weight especially at old age. So it is always recommended to exercise regularly. In fact, it is suggested that this must be part of your lifestyle. Get a balanced diet and exercise at the right time intervals. The bottom line is to keep in shape all the time and stay healthy.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:34 PM
Obesity Causes, Types and treatment
Obesity is the heavy accumulation of fat in your body to such a degree that it rapidly increases your risk of diseases that can damage your health and knock years off your life, such as heart disease and diabetes.
Causes of Obesity
1)Obesity results when there is an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure.
2)If your metabolism tends to be slow, you are more likely to store excess calories in the form of fat. A slow metabolism means you probably need to work harder at losing weight. However, your efforts may ultimately increase your metabolic rate. Muscle burns more calories than fat, even at rest. So reducing fat and building muscle through weight-bearing exercise can help you burn calories more efficiently.
3)You have to burn calories if your environment is too hot or too cold for comfort. But more people than ever live and work in temperature-controlled homes and offices.
4)Getting too little sleep can increase body weight. Today's Americans get less shut-eye than ever.
5)If parents are overweight, children can often be overweight too. Part of this is due to genes and part is due to the family's pattern of eating and exercise.
Types of obesity
1) Psychological Depression, sadness, anxiety, stress, and other psychological conditions may affect the amount of food one eats and/or the amount of exercise one engages in.Some illnesses can lead to obesity or a tendency to gain weight. These include hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, depression, and certain neurological problems that can lead to overeating. Also, drugs such as steroids and some antidepressants may cause weight gain. Poor or interrupted sleep may also contribute to obesity and overeating.
2) Gynoid: In this type the lower part of the body has the extra flesh. This type of obesity is also common to both sexes though females are more affected. Gynoid type of obesity is similar to pears. The flesh is somewhat flabby in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks & legs. The face & neck mostly give a normal appearance. In some persons, the cheeks may be drawn too. As these persons grow old the whole figure assumes a stooping posture and the spine is never erect due to the heavy hips & thighs. This vital organs affected mostly are the kidneys, uterus, intestines, bladder & bowls. But the functions of these organs some times have a direct effect on the heart.
3) Constitutional Obesity,:. Obesity starts from infancy to adult. Usually they have family history of Obesity. They have very good appetite from half a year after birth and body fat cell number begins to increase. Their metabolism is slow and synthesis exceeds catabolism. There will be poor cure effect by limiting diet and strengthening exercise. They are not sensitive to insulin.
Treatments of Obesity
1) Surgical Treatment of Obesity Obesity is a chronic medical condition without a "cure." For severely obese patients who have significant obesity-related medical complications (hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, etc.), surgery is an option. Generally, the weight criterion for surgery is to be at least 100 lbs. (45 kg.) over your ideal body weight. The surgical methods have changed over the years but can be divided into gastric (stomach) restrictive procedures and gastrointestinal (intestinal) bypass procedures.
2) Behavioral Therapy Behavior modification is common to all weight loss programs. Modification includes strategies that aid individuals to overcome barriers to comply with dietary changes and physical activity. Most behavioral modification programs encourage self-monitoring of both diet and exercise to increase one's own awareness of the activities. Modification strategies may also include stress management, social support, and stimulus control.Combining behavioral therapy, diet therapy, and increased physical activity should be considered as initial "therapy" for weight loss. This combination should be continued for at least 6 months before proceeding to drug therapy.
3) Changing eating habits: Eating fewer calories while increasing activity is the best way to lose weight. For most adults, low calorie diet of 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day for women and 1,500 to 1,800 calories per day for men is recommended for weight loss.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:33 PM
Want a Big Butt and Flat Gut?
Every single woman that I know wants to firm and tighten her butt. I even know some guys that wish to do the same. With that being said, it will do you well to pay close attention to this following article as I will reveal to you the best butt exercises for firming your butt. Guess what... it's not the "butt exercise machines" that you see in your gym. However it's a series of bodyweight/free-weight old school exercises that will really blast away jiggly fat and promote pure firm, nice to see and grab butt!
In order to keep things as simplistic as possible, I think it will be best to just list two of these amazing butt and thigh exercises. Keep in mind that these two alone have been known for firming and lifting butts world-wide.
The very first move that most woman tend to overlook and label as a "mans exercise" but really they should be doing is called the "single leg Romanian dead lift". Another reason that I think everyone, men and women, should be doing this amazing butt exercise is it has a few hidden benefits. Such as: strengthens and secures lower body joints, increased flexibility and improves overall look and feel of entire leg area!
Single Leg Romanian Dead Lift
Starting Position: - Bend over and assume a mixed grip on a barbell that is lying on the floor. Bend your knees and hips so your hips are approximately knee level or parallel to the floor. Hold your head up and back straight. Movement: - Exhale as you keep your neck and back straight while you pull up on the bar. Lift the weight by extending your hips and knees, moving into a standing position. Inhale as you keep your neck and back straight as you slowly lower the weight back to the floor by bending your knees and hips, returning to the starting position. Repeat as required.
Yes, that was very hard to do. I know that. But please try to master this move as it will be your guide to getting that butt that you have always dreamed up!
Oh before I forget let me tell you the other awesome butt exercise and then I will share with you information about a little known DVD that I personally know to be the greatest invention for building lean sexy butt, hips and thighs. Stay tuned for that but first lets squat into the next exercise. Did I say squat into? Oops I gave away the name of the exercise already :)
This again is one of the most overlooked exercises in the gym, I guess because it's such an old exercise people assume it must be outdated. Well guess what...they are wrong. This is at the top of my list for butt firming exercises.
In just 30 seconds I could tell you over 20 variations of the squat. But my job today is to teach you not kill you. Therefore I will just give you 2 variations of the squat to try at home rather than 20!
Single Leg Squat
Starting Position: - Stand on one leg with a slight bend in your knees. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and allow them to hang down at your sides. Movement: - Inhale, keeping your heel in contact with the floor at all times, slowly lower into a squat position. Exhale as you slowly straighten your leg, keeping your head and chest up, returning to the starting position. Repeat as required.
Over Head Squat
Starting Position: - Grasp bar with overhand grip (palms forward) and slightly wider than hip width apart. Step under bar and hold the barbell in a shoulder press position. Stand with feet slighter wider than hip width apart. Back should be straight in a neutral position. Lower body by flexing at the hips and knees. Upper body can flex forward at the hips slightly (~5�) during movement. Be sure to �sit back� so that knees stay over the feet. Once thighs are parallel to floor, return to start position. Remember to keep head and back straight in a neutral position - hyperextension or flexion may cause injury. Keep weight over the middle of foot and heel, not the toes. DO NOT allow knees to go past the big toe or deviate medially or laterally throughout movement. Keep abdominals tight throughout exercise by drawing stomach in toward spine.
Remember that I warned you first that the exercises listed above are very difficult and you must take extreme caution when doing them otherwise you run the risk of getting injured and throwing your results out the window.
If you would like to learn more incredible butt and leg exercises that will firm, lift and tighten your butt and thighs then go to my buddy Joey "The Butt Master" Atlas' website today to preview his DVD- "Leg Butt Hip and Thigh Exercises"
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NHL Rumour Report
4:30 PM
Can You Obtain Lean Muscle Weight Without Getting Fat?
There are two universal fitness goals - to obtain lean muscle mass and to reduce body fat. Unfortunately, for the most part, the two goals are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
Building lean muscle mass is going to require you to take in a surplus of calories because, well, let's face it, you can't build lean muscle out of nothing (except of course you have some chemical).
REducing body fat on the other hand is going to require you to be in a negative calorie balance because that is what will get your body burning off additional body fat as fuel for its tissues.
Motivated to accomplish both goals at the same time is seldom a good method because more than expected you will just end up spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.
Most body builders will have to accept some fat gain when they are looking to gain weight, however how much fat gain they need to add is question. It is this variable that we are hoping to achieve.
Can you truly obtain weight without getting fat?
When adding lean muscle mass there are two approaches you can take.
Some take the approach of just consuming as much food as they can viable cram into themselves. Their life abruptly becomes one long 24-hour buffet in their quest for muscle mass as they are under the idea that the more food that goes in, the more muscle synthesis that will go on.
This view is deeply flawed. The body can only assimilate so much muscle tissue at once and after it has done so, any remaining calories are clearly going to be stored as body fat. Plain and simple. You my friend, are no exclusion to the pronounce.
For those guys who are out there charming in five thousand or more calories per day, this is clearly going to be way more than they require and will product a considerable quantity of unwelcome body fat over a period of three to six months (how long most people will 'bulk' for).
The second choice is to adopt a more moderate method and only eat so many additional calories to help this muscle growth and that's it. This will allow you to hopefully get as much lean tissue gained as possible without the accumulation of a monstrous climb in body fat.
So that leads us to the next question you're probably wondering. How much muscle can you build? How many calories over maintenance should you be consuming?
You've probably already heard of the guy who claims he's added 20 pounds of lean muscle in the short timeframe of six weeks. While this may be a very uncommon occurrence among an individual who is new to body building, has insanely good genetics and utilized a superb workout and nutritional program, the fact of the matter is that most guys are basically not open to be able to come even close to adding this much lean muscle tissue.
A natural fit individual can desire to achieve about half a pound to one pound of muscle per week - if he's doing everything correctly. If he doesn't have the greatest genetics or isn't feeding himself optimally, this will decrease even further. So as you can see, at least two to four pounds of muscle growth per month, you aren't going to be needed to eat insanely high calorie intakes.
The higher your intake is, the more you risk putting on additional body fat. As a general rule, keep it to about 250 to 500 calories above maintenance in hopes of putting on lean muscle without too much body fat. Keep track of your present body fat levels and appearance and if you see that too much of your weight gain is coming on as fat mass, reduce your calorie intake slightly.
It is always best to go by real world results because you are in the real world after all. You can read as much as you like as to how many calories you should be consuming, but this does not mean that's going to be the exact number that will deliver results. Different people have different metabolisms that will respond to an rise in calories in various ways.
Remember that the more tolerant you are with your muscle gains and the slower you go, the more time you can spend adding lean muscle mass and the less time you have to spend dieting off the additional fat you gained - which as I'm sure many of you already know, is not a pleasant experience.
Next time you decide you are going to buld up, take it slow. Not only are you much more likely to maintain a favourable appreance this way but your mind will thank you as well. Nothing kills confidence levels faster that seeing all muscle definition go out the window in a matter of weeks.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:29 PM
Hip Hop Abs To Get Those Desired Abs
It is the most desired, most envied part of the body, the six-pack abs. Probably at some point of your life you have looked in a mirror and tried to imagine what you would look like with a flat stomach, and for some reason even though it is heavily desired by most people, abs are often given up on. Many people do not want to take the time or give themselves the discipline to get the ripped abs. Lets face it, it takes a lot of time and dedication to achieve the perfect abs, and once you get them, it’s not like you can stop working on them. I believe where most people fail in their quest for great abs is there eating habits, no one wants to give up their food. Eating food is probably one of the most incredible feelings, when you take a bite of that big juicy steak, or pasta; there are so many different types of food too. Eating correctly while working out is probably the best thing you can do for your abs. I always see these commercials of miracle supplements that make people lose weight like crazy, and even though they might work it doesn’t mean that they are healthy for you. The problem that most of those people run into, is that after they stop being on the pills, they gain all their weight back and sometimes even more, because they failed to build a workout system or a healthy eating habit.
The best thing to do other than eating correctly is starting a daily workout routine like hip hop abs or rockin body. Now abs are the same as any other muscles in the body, it needs to be worked out, but if you work it out every day, your abs will get fatigued. Fatigued muscles are not the goal, so it would be smart to workout your abs like any other muscles, every other day. Another problem people run into is that if you have not been working out your abs, than they probably have no strength. So if you start by trying some crazy abdominal workout routines you can really injure yourself, and it most likely will be your back. You need to protect your back when doing abdominal workouts; it is actually really smart to workout your lower back while working out your abs. But when you do start trying to get those hot abs, make sure you start off small with normal crunches or if you are at a gym using a machine, than start with a small weight. Another thing to watch for is technique, technique is another area where people injure themselves, they try to strain and press, they start to use their arms more than their stomachs, right technique is better than a hundred wrong abdominal crunches.
So if your starting to get that desire for flat abs, remember it is going to take a lot of time and hard work. You will have to throw away the sugars and the unhealthy food. You will need to be patient as you start off small so you can build your abdominal strength before you go onto the more challenging workouts.
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NHL Rumour Report
4:27 PM
Staying Motivated to Exercise
Exercise is always a do-it-yourself venture. No other person and no machine can do it for you. Hence, it is important to have those motivating factors so that a person who is into exercise in order to lose weight will hang about.
This is what people who are overweight should learn to understand. However, even if it so easy to set for instructions and easy to follow, this is not the same case for almost 35% of Americans who are unable to prevent being overweight.
Of course, once we are overweight, we usually want to trim down for a whole lot of reasons, some related to physical condition and fitness, while others would want to enhance their physique and appearance. And it is never too late to be fit.
In the past 50 to 75 years, physical activity has become the exception rather than the rule, both at home and on the job. People tend to drive where others once walked. People tend to flick a switch and machines do the hauling, lifting, pushing, and pulling for them.
However, people who try to lose weight tend to believe that weight gain is likely to happen if they will not take forward-looking steps to stop it.
The point here is that health experts believe that people lose their way, especially when it comes to dieting. They tend to go back to their old eating habits even after they learn to enjoy low-fat eating. They tend to return to sedentary ways even though they enjoy exercising.
But despite the momentum toward weight gain, you can stop it from happening, experts say. And there are plenty of good reasons to avoid excess pounds, reasons that go beyond vanity or social appearance. There are many reasons in order to keep you motivated to exercise and stay healthy for the rest of your life.
Ways to Lose Big
1. Have an explicit goal
A simple statement like, “I want to lose some weight,” is an ambiguous and an indefinite statement. It will not the least motivate you to start doing exercises right away.
What is important is to be precise on your goals. It would be better if you will set some detailed amount of pounds that you really want to lose. Envisage yourself what you will look like after reaching your desired weight. Doing this will inspire you to lose weight. In fact, maybe even more than what you have planned in mind. The idea is to use that figure to assist you to remain resilient and dedicated.
2. Develop a strategy
Strength of will does not work alone! To lose weight and stay with it, your strategy must comprise of both exercise and diet, and not either of the two.
Try to start motivating yourself by throwing away your clothes that have bigger sizes. This will put you in a situation where you only have your sexy clothes and that you have to make a choice by staying motivated to exercise or not wear any clothes at all. Which do you prefer?
3. Make out little, calculable measures
Put into practice actions that will suit your lifestyle. This means you have to implement moves that you and you alone will benefit from it and not somebody else.
The idea here is to opt for a more positive and attainable goal and not just to shun away from being plump and chubby.
4. Produce monitoring that has an important effect
It would be better to have somebody willing to take note of your progress or development. This will inspire you to keep on doing what you have started. Having somebody to listen to your achievements is definitely a better prize than just achieving your goal alone.
Besides, having an extra hand to support you and cheer for you when things start to fall short. It is that simple way of hearing somebody believing on what you do is one of the greatest motivations to keep you exercising for more.
5. Construct a vigorous, sensible timeline
What do you plan to achieve in a year? Try to suit your objectives to your calendar, and do not look forward to see the results in just a snap.
The bottom line is that in order to stay motivated to exercise entails a lot of hard work, which is contrary to what most people tend to think. The main idea is to let people change their lifestyle because it is only through this way that they will absolutely change their weight…for the better.
Posted by
NHL Rumour Report
4:26 PM