Like the nose, the mouth and throat are open to infection from airborne sources; they are also affected by problems in the lungs, sinuses, and stomach. Throat problems may be the result of constitutional weakness and respond well to the holistic approach offered by alternative therapies.
The condition is caused when the soft palate of the mouth vibrates and makes a noise while the person is asleep. Snoring can usually be stopped by waking the sleeper or changing his or her position. However, it is sometimes a result of "sleep apnea," in which the snorer stops breathing for a minute or more during sleep. The body is stimulated by a rush of epinephrine (adrenaline) to make a sudden snoring noise. Sleep apnea, characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, is a serious condition for which medical advice should always be sought.
Yoga Relaxing yoga exercises before you go to bed improve breathing techniques. Lie on the floor with your arms and legs apart and breathe deeply and slowly, to a relaxed rhythm. Breathe out for a longer period than you breathe in.
Sore Throat
The main symptom of a sore throat is harsh raw pain on swallowing; this may be accompanied by fever. Sore throat and pharyngitis are essentially the same thing. Most cases (70 percent) are caused by viral infections, the rest by the streptococcus. Viral infections are I accompanied by other symptoms such as a runny nose and a cough, while streptoccocal infection tends to be more severe in form.
Homeopathy A homeopath may prescribe Heprol 30c for a very painful sore throat.
Herbal Medicine The following may be gargled sipped: 2 drops essential oil of lemon and sandalwood in a glass of warm water, or powdered root of licorice dissolved in warm water (it has a mildly anesthetic effect). Or try 30g of the herb red sage (or ordinary sage will do) mixed in warm water. An infusion of the herb golden seal is soothing. Make an ointment using eucalyptus and peppermint oils in a lotion base and apply it to the neck and chest.
Laryngitis manifests as hoarseness, throat pain, cough, and excessive mucus, caused by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx (voice box).
Herbal Medicine An infusion of sage and thyme gargled - and small amounts drunk - every eight ho, eases hoarseness. An infusion of marshmallow leaf drunk several times a day will alleviate the inflammation of the membranes.
Homeopathy A homeopath may prescribe Belladonna for a sore throat, hoarseness, and pain, or Causticum for a raw feeling in the chest and throat, with Spongia fori dry cough (all 30c).
This is a sore throat caused by inflammation of the pharynx, which connects the back of the nose to the back of the throat. The inflammation is normally caused by acute or chronic infection, or is the result of smoking, alcohol, or overuse of the voice.
Herbal Medicine Gargle with cider vinegar and honey, or warm water with a few drops of sandalwood and lavender oil, four times a day to alleviate the pain and soothe the throat. Use a steam inhalation with olbas oil, apply a cold compress to the throat to alleviate pain, and drink a herbal tea to soothe the throat.
Homeopathy A homeopath may prescribe Lachesis to relieve a feeling of tightness around the throat, and Apis for an innamed throat and stinging pain.
Sore throat, pain on swallowing, fever, and sometimes a blocked nose are caused by an inflammation of the tonsils. The disorder is most common in childhood. Tonsillitis is normally the result of an acute infection, although susceptible individuals can have attacks when they become rundown or stressed. Recurrent bouts of tonsillitis may be related to food allergy.
Herbal Medicine Herbal treatments are among the oldest natural forms of remedy for tonsillitis, and they help cool swollen membranes. Marshmallow, plantain, elderflower, and catnip (catmint) may be used either as tinctures or gargles.
Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:
Bach Flower Remedies Holly, Beech, Agrimony, and Chicory Bach flower remedies are all beneficial for this condition. These concentrated remedies are bought in small amounts and a few drops added to mineral water. The remedy is prescribed not only for the illness but also for the emotional state of mind. An initial visit to a qualified practitioner is advisable.
Homeopathy Treatment would be constitutional if the problem is chronic, but specific remedies are suitable for attacks; they include Belladonna 30c, Hepar sulf. 6c, Mercurius 6c, Lycopodium 5c, Lachesis 6c, and Phytolacca 6c. The remedy chosen depends on the nature of the pain experienced in the throat and the nature of attendant symptoms.
Herbal Medicines For Mouth and Throat Problems
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Great herbal medicines for mouth and throat problems.
It may be used either at the very first signs of infection to prevent throat and tonsil infections and may also be combined with FloraFlu tablets for throat and tonsil conditions associated with colds and flu. To prevent recurring infection and to assist with the recovery process, we recommend that Throat and Tonsil Dr be used together with OralFlu Protect - our very effective homeopathic oral flu vaccine. These two remedies may also be combined with FloraFlu in the case of sore throat or tonsillitis associated with colds or full blown flu.
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