If you suffer from hemorrhoids, you are not alone. Almost half of men and women have hemorrhoids by the time they reach 50 years of age. Although many people suffer, few are willing to talk about them. People who experience hemorrhoids may feel symptoms that can be a minor inconvenience or even up to a major source of pain and discomfort. Usually, most cases of hemorrhoids vanish within a few days but occasionally, hemorrhoids be far more serious and should be treated by a physician as soon as possible.
Hemorrhoids can be caused by several different factors. If you sit at a desk all day long, you are at risk. Staying in one position, especially a sitting position for an extended period of time, puts pressure on rectal muscles. One of the best things you can do is to get up at least once every hour - make sure that you change positions in your chair.
Pregnant women often get hemorrhoids which can be very uncomfortable. Usually this is temporary and they go away after the pregnancy. Some other causes of hemorrhoids include chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, severe coughing, and even heavy lifting. It is nearly impossible to avoid all of these situations for your entire life and this is why so many people end up with hemorrhoids.
There are basically two kinds of hemorrhoids: external and internal. External hemorrhoids can be very itchy and cause a painful burning sensation. They are very uncomfortable and should be treated as soon as possible. Some people feel embarrassed if they suspect they have hemorrhoids and therefore avoid going to the doctor. However, if they don't go away you are only torturing yourself by not getting them treated. Worse yet, they can turn into thrombosed hemorrhoids which can be extremely painful.
While internal hemorrhoids are not as hurtful as they are inside the rectum. It is quite possible the only indication that you will have is blood in your stool or toilet bowl. But this does not mean that they are not serious. They also have a serious nature because sometime their symptoms are the same as those of colorectal cancer.
It's fairly easy to treat hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids can simply be treated by using a topical creams or ointments. The cream helps to shrink the hemorrhoids as and can be beneficial in relieving pain, burning, and itching. A warm bath is also therapeutic. However, it isn't enough to merely treat the hemorrhoids. If you don't address the problem that caused them in the first place you'll end up with more.
It should be fairly easy to determine why you have hemorrhoids, but it could be a combination of things. For example, if you don't get enough fiber in your daily diet as well as work at a desk job, you will need to address both factors. Talk to your doctor about ways to get more fiber into your diet since this should be a fairly easy task.
Hemorrhoids are not something that people like to talk about but now that you know how easy it is to get them and how many people actually have them, seeing your doctor about hemorrhoids shouldn't seem so bad. Dealing with your hemorrhoids and the causes of them will help you to avoid the painful and uncomfortable situation of them recurring throughout your life.
Easing Hemorrhoids Symptoms
Posted by
NHL Rumour Report
10:38 PM
Labels: Hemorrhoids
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