A new craze has swept through the world of physical fitness. Pilates is all the rage, but there is really nothing "new' about this form of exercise.
In recent years, the Pilates Method has experienced an explosion of popularity across North America, Asia, and Europe. Developed in the early 20th century by German national Joseph Pilates, the Pilates Method is a relatively simple form of physical fitness.
Originally named "The Art of Contrology", the basic concept of Pilates was using the mind to control the muscles. From there, the idea evolved into a more complex exercise program, with great attention paid to the core postural muscles. It is believed that these core muscles help keep the body balanced, as they provide support for the spine.
As World War I raged on, Joseph Pilates was one of a group of German nationals placed under forced internment in Lancaster, England. As a trained nurse, Mr. Pilates was investigating ways to rehabilitate bed-ridden victims of the 1918 influenza epidemic.
Amassing all that he had learned in those twenty years of self-study, Joseph Pilates applied his vast knowledge of yoga, Zen and ancient Greek and Roman physical regimens and created a series of movements that could be practiced within the confines of this controlled environment. He taught these movements and concepts to his fellow camp members and devised the original system of exercises, now known as "mat work". This initial exercise regimen of "contrology" was successfully performed by many of Pilates' fellow WWI detainees in the cramped quarters they shared.
Of course, there is much more to the Pilates Method than just a combination of physical movements. The program was built on the belief that physical health needs mental health, and vice-versa. That's why to so many people, the Pilates Method is actually a system of total body conditioning. These are movements and physical practices that strengthen the body while emphasizing proper alignment, concentration, precision, centering, control, breathing and flowing movements. Today, many years later, those same principles provide the basis of the modern Pilates Method.
Physical exercise was always an important element of Mr. Pilates' original concept, but this aspect was different than traditional exercise regimes. Instead of performing each exercise with a series of repetitions, Joseph Pilates developed a program of precise movements that required form and control. More than 500 of these very specific exercises were developed for the Pilates Method. The movements used most frequently came to be known as the Pilates 'mat work' exercises. This is a series of callisthenic motions that are performed on a padded mat, with no additional weights or apparatus.
Joseph Pilates followed up the development of his initial mat work exercises by designing five major pieces of unique exercise equipment. These, he claimed, would provide optimal results. The two components of the Pilates Method are often taught and practiced individually now, but the original Pilates Method combined both equipment exercises and mat work.
Most of the exercises involved in the original Pilates Method were developed to create an awareness of the neutral alignment of the spine. These exercises would strengthen the deep postural muscles that support the spine's natural alignment, playing a vital role in preventing or alleviating back pain.
Gravity Pilates is a relatively new development in the modern Pilates Method. People who practice gravity Pilates believe that the abdomen, lower back and buttocks make up the body's "powerhouse". When these areas are strengthened and supported, the rest of the body can move about more freely.
Many people seeking physical fitness and rehabilitation use modern Pilates. While it is a popular exercise program of choice for fitness buffs and Hollywood's elite, the Pilates Method is also used by physical therapists as a rehabilitation exercise. Those practicing Pilates use their own bodies as "weights" to train their bodies and increase strength and flexibility.
There is nothing "new" about the new Pilates Method trend, but the program continues to gain popularity as more and more people discover its many benefits.
The History of Pilates
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