Bodyweight training is one of the best ways to burn fat and build muscle. Unfortunately, most people think (or are led to believe) they should have a room full of equipment or an exclusive gym membership in order to better their physique. They completely overlook the fat burning and muscle building ability of bodyweight training. I trust this article opens your eyes to the possibilities of using the gym you were born with!
Heads up: at the end of the article I'm going to explain to you one exercise that simultaneously builds muscle and burns fat.
It's happened to all of us at one situation or another (even me). We look in the mirror one day and we observe we are softer and fatter. While we weren't looking in the mirror, our muscle tone and power has decreased, and our waistline has enlarged. This is when most would say, "It's time to hit the gym".
Now, just a moment. I concur, it is time to do something about your build. But signing up for a membership at a gym does not have to be the answer. As a matter of fact, you can begin burning fat and increasing muscle mass right away to improve your physique.
As we take a closer look, keep in mind all of the useful and important information that we have learned so far.
Let me show you how bodyweight training can improve your physique in as little 15 minutes a day...
Instead of going to the gym, you may or may not end up going to, begin by adding a bodyweight workout program to your daily schedule. Come on, it is painless to find 15 minutes to workout. And 15 minutes is all you need to do to begin increasing your general confidence and looking better. Clearly, I'd like to see you workout even more, but let's keep it easy at 15 minutes for now.
So, you get up in the morning and do 15 minutes of bodyweight calisthenics. By the way, you'll find this more invigorating than swilling down a dozen donuts cup of coffee. Do this every day. Yes, every day, and you will see improvements in your appearance within a few weeks.
Now, I can hear some of you say, "I thought you were only to workout every other day, or 3 times a week!"
This is correct, if you are trying to increase your body weight and muscle rapidly, such as a professional bodybuilders that wants increase his weight for competition. Bodybuilders need that extra day to mend from the vast amount of training they achieve. But you are only doing 15 minutes of bodyweight exercise. This allows you 1,440 minutess to mend between bodyweight training sessions. This is more than enough.
Now, if you do this every day for a week, you do 1 hour and 45 minutes of working out. Do you think 1 hour and 45 minutes will begin to increase your muscles and burn off mega fat? You bet it does!
Now, for the skeptics that think bodyweight exercising is too "painless", or that you can't get a great muscle building, fat burning workout in 15 mintues, remember, I promised to show you a exercise that you can start doing right away.
Here is how you do it...
Stand under a chin up bar with your feet shoulders width apart and arms at your sides. Bend your knees and squat down, place your hands on the floor in front of you. Kick your feet back so you are in the up right position of the push up. Execute a push up. Jump your feet forward under your body... then explode up and grab the bar with palms facing you. Execute a chin up. Drop down and repeat.
Do this for a few minutes and your entire body will feel it, from your muscles to your hearrt and lungs, and you burn a lot of fat. Try to do as many as you can for a full 15 minutes, and I promise you'll have a new appreciation for bodyweight exercise.
I hope this article has opened you eyes to the fantastic possibilities of bodyweight training. If you need to strenghten, tone your muscles and burn fat, begin altering your physique right away with your own bodyweight. Make a consistent effort every day and you'll meet your goals.
Bodyweight Training Is Best Way To Burn Fat & Build Muscle
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5:18 PM
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