If you have reached the point that you are desperately looking for help to quit smoking, the simplest advice would be to just quit. However, things are not as simple as that. It is easier said than done. And, this advice can come only from non-smokers or who have never successfully quit themselves.
Here is some advice from a smoker of twenty years and a non-smoker of ten.
Though for you to come to this point of wanting to quit smoking may be a major breakthrough in your life, you need to know that the desire to quit alone is not strong enough for you because it is not enough for most people - 97% to be precise. So, unless you belong to that minuscule minority, don’t do it, even if you are desperate and want to quit right at this very moment.
Before you attempt to quit, you must first remove as much emotion from the process as humanly possible for although you are depressed or emotionally charged at the moment, it is not possible to maintain that level of anger or desperation long enough to see you through the quitting process.
You may want to quit because you have smoker's cough; a serious health scare; desire a better environment for your children; or just want to quit for yourself because you know it is the right thing to do. Look at your reasons and write down all the emotions and reasons you want to quit. These reasons will help you on your journey to becoming a non-smoker.
Based on your reasons for quitting, search the internet for as much useful information as you can find. Fortify your reasons with relevant information because information is power. The more you know about the task at hand, the less hold the nicotine monster will have over you.
Note your reasons for quitting and then strengthen them with information. Search the internet for as much useful information as you can find. The more you know about the task at hand, the less hold the nicotine monster will have over you. Information will prepare you for all the hurdles on the way so that you are strong enough to face them and overcome them.
Also, look for a stop smoking program that addresses your concerns about quitting and then purchase it. Make sure, it is not the one that makes tall claims; they are not true. Buy the one that appeals to your wants and needs and gives you the determination to beat this nasty habit.
Most importantly, use the program. Start today because the sooner you start the quicker you will be free of your smoking habit. Beware of procrastination. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today!
Get the information you need, order a program and start using it at once. You'll feel gratified as quitting smoking is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do in your life.
Are You Sick of Your Smoking Habit?
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NHL Rumour Report
7:12 PM
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