
Stop lying to yourself if you really want to stop smoking

If you've been a smoker for any length of time, you've given thought to quitting. Why haven't you? Because you keep making excuses like "Now's not a good time for me" or "I need to lose some weight first." You know exactly what I mean because if you haven't said these words, you know someone who has.

So here's what you need to do. You need to put down in writing the things you want to accomplish (quitting smoking) and come up with the reasons why. And while you are doing this, write down all the reasons why you can't (your excuses).

Why have you been telling yourself these lies? For that's exactly what they are. Repititious lies that you've been leading yourself to believe over the years. And whether you like it or not, tell yourself these lies long enough and pretty soon that's all you're going to believe. Better to write your goals AND excuses down and analyze them for what they really are.

I'll give you a few of the most common ones to start with but it is up to you to do this for every single reason why you think you smoke.

"If I quit smoking, I'll gain weight."

The blunt answer to this one is 'who cares!' Studies have shown that you are better off to be 70+ pounds overweight than to smoke when it comes to your health, but that's not a goal you are looking to attain either. The truth is that yes, some people do gain weight after quitting, but this is usually less than twenty pounds and if that frightens you, then this problem can be easily remedied by careful and detailed planning before you quit. Get it through your mind that you are not going to substitute food for cigarettes and if you do, it is healthy foods like celery, carrots and fruit, not candy bars, chips and other 'comfort food'.

"Smoking makes me happy."

Not to point out the painfully obvious, but if that's true, why are you looking at information on how to quit smoking? Don't take it personally. I remember when I used to make the very same statement. Of course the major problem, as I mentioned earlier, is that the more you make statements such as this, the more deeply ingrained the beliefs become. So the time has come to be honest with yourself. Be truthful now. Is smoking something you really enjoy or just a lie you've convinced yourself of? Do you really like the stale smell of cigarette smoke in your car; your hair; your clothes? No really, what is it that you think smoking brings to your life that's beneficial. Write your answers down and I think you'll find everything is silly and you don't really like smoking at all.

Now don't take those statements as viscious or cruel. In no way are they meant to be that way. What they are meant to be is a wake up call - and one that I needed as well. If, as smokers, we keep making excuses as to why we continue the habit, the outcome is that we will remain addicted to the nicotine. And the sooner we realize this reality, the easier quitting will be.

Don't doubt your abilities to beat those lies. You can do this.

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